Returning to an old subject. Four years ago, there was a conversation in this group about birder access to Serpentine Barrens Conservation Park in Montgomery County. There were questions about whether it's legal to enter and where the access points are. I was doing research today on serpentine barrens in Maryland and stumbled upon an Operation and Use Plan for the Serpentine Barrens Conservation Park that was approved by the county in 2007. At that time, the plan was to put in some trails and there's a map of the proposed trails in the plan. I thought the plan might be of interest to those who bird there, so I've attached it here or it's available at
Note that, although the plan is dated 2007, the URL suggests that it wasn't uploaded to the county website until 2023, which is why no one saw it during the discussion in 2020. I found it by doing an image search for trail maps of the property. It didn't come up on a normal search.