Turkey Point Closure

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Patricia Valdata

Aug 1, 2024, 11:06:13 AMAug 1
to Maryland Birding
I just learned that the lighthouse trail at Turkey Point (Elk Neck SP) is closed because of construction (although the MBP fall counters will be allowed in). The construction is supposed to be complete by spring of next year. Here is the notice from the DNR web page for the park:

Over the years, there have been several issues and concerns related to access at the Turkey Point Lighthouse. These include inadequate parking, illegal parking in the neighborhood, traffic backups on Turkey Point Road, and the risk of cliff erosion and slumping along the existing vehicular drive. Over the past several years, the Department of Natural Resources has been working with consultants to evaluate the site and design improvements to address these concerns. Based on an analysis of the site, it has been determined the best option is to move the vehicular access drive and create a parking lot closer to the lighthouse. The project will include removing the existing road and parking lot, reconfiguring the entrance, constructing a 52-vehicle parking lot and providing handicap-accessible parking at the lighthouse itself. Stormwater management and forest replacement is also proposed, both on-site and at Rogues Harbor.

Yikes! I know the road has been getting unsafe and that parking was limited, but this is going to be a big change. Did DNR have any kind of public comment period about this? Was MOS ever in the loop?

Pat Valdata
Crisfield, Somerset County
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