node-mdb exception

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Alan Pound

Feb 6, 2013, 9:56:09 AM2/6/13

Ok, I've sorted out my data directory issue by linking in a new partition from /usr/local/gtm - a bit kludgy but it works.

I've spent quite a bit of time looking at the way it all sets up, and in the end I've stayed with the mgwtools process, as it works (even though it installs a lot more stuff than is needed).

However, I've noticed that node-mdb is very touchy with the exact way that selects are constructed - for example, if the wrong type of quotes are used (even arrangements that SDB is quite happy with ).  Again, not a problem as such, but I notice that node-mdb tends to throw immediately after such a problem (and that isn't so cool...)

So here is the trace illustrating the problem (the quotes around "test_sdb" is what stimulates it, but it seems to cope with it initially, but then poos...):

Select Expression = select * from "test_sdb" where value like "X1%"
*** = {"items":"*","condition":"value","limit":0}
domainIndex records: {}
domain name not found
BoxUsage: 0.0050000000

        commandName = commandForReply.commandName;
TypeError: Cannot read property 'commandName' of undefined
    at Client.handleReply (/root/node_modules/redis-node/lib/client.js:278:38)
    at Client.emit (events.js:67:17)
    at Client.handleData (/root/node_modules/redis-node/lib/client.js:249:18)
    at Socket.emit (events.js:67:17)
    at TCP.onread (net.js:347:14)

Is there anything can be done to make this more robust?  (Sorry, js isn't really my bag...)

Rob Tweed

Feb 6, 2013, 11:02:30 AM2/6/13

Glad you figured out a way round the issue.

Unfortunately I don't do much with node-mdb any more, particularly since Amazon pretty much deprecated SimpleDB (though I realise it's still there).  I'm tied up these days with tighter integration of M databases with Node.js.

node-mdb is, of course, Open Source, so anyone can have a go at modifying it and fixing problems.  I really won't have free time to go in and research and fix the Select problem you've described - paid work gets priority I'm afraid.  If you're happy to pay for my time, then I can take a look however

Hope this helps



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Rob Tweed
Director, M/Gateway Developments Ltd
EWD Mobile: Build mobile applications faster

Alan Pound

Feb 8, 2013, 4:35:17 AM2/8/13
Hi Rob
Thanks for the reply...  I understand what you mean about SDB - although Amazon haven't exactly deprecated it, but they have certainly "de-emphasised" it.  

It is a shame really, as provided your database needs are modest - less than the (stated) 10GB size, and less than the (completely opaque) write/delete performance, it is easy to use and very flexible.  

But I guess it doesn't really meet their overall scalability aims, and probably had customers giving them grief when they exceeded the (unstated) write performance limits.  Also, it really never was a first-class AWS citizen, as it has zero visibility through the AWS dashboard.

Yes, we had to move to dynamodb for our high performance needs (now that's a different set of challenges, and certainly not a general-purpose solution) - but we still use some SDB for the small stuff.

Anyway - thanks for your efforts in respect of MDB.  I'll admit I had some reservations initially, but I can see the underlying technology is sound, and I'm hopeful I can work through any node-mdb.js issues that I come across.  

All the best.
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