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Jul 18, 2011, 2:32:42 AM7/18/11
to M/DB Community Forum
Plz refer me some good API client for testing node on windows
an open source client would be best. I have found SDB Explorer but it
didn't work for me.


Jul 18, 2011, 3:26:27 AM7/18/11
to M/DB Community Forum
It depends on whether you want a self-contained client with built-in
UI, or a language binding API.

The only Open-source version of the former is an early and as yet
incomplete prototype for Node.js (
simpledb-webview) but it would need a bit of modification so that it
could be pointed at an M/DB endpoint URL

I've attempted to bring M/DB to the attention of the SDB Explorer guys
on a number of occasions, but I have been ignored by them. Perhaps
some user pressure may convince them that M/DB compatibility would be
worthwhile. It would be a negligible amount of work for them to allow
it to point to a different endpoint URL, after which it will think
it's still talking to SimpleDB.

There are numerous Open Source language bindings for SimpleDB. Many
already work with M/DB (eg boto for Python) or can be easily modified
to accept a different endpoint URL (eg the AWS clients for .Net and


Ivan Towlson

Jul 18, 2011, 3:27:08 PM7/18/11
Hello Anerjan,

If you are using a non-Express edition of Visual Studio, Mindscape SimpleDB Management Tools should be able to talk to M/DB (if it can't, then we've had a regression and we'll get it fixed!).  For VS2010 you can download this using Extension Manager (select Online and type SimpleDB Management Tools into the search box); for VS2008 you can get it from  You can enter an endpoint URL when setting up an instance, so just enter the URL of your M/DB appliance to use M/DB instead of SimpleDB.

Note that this product is not open source and that it has free and commercial versions (the free version has some limitations on the size of result sets).  Also it will not work on Visual Studio Express due to Microsoft licensing restrictions (grr).

Disclosure: I work for the company that makes this product.

On 18 July 2011 19:26, rtweed <> wrote:

I've attempted to bring M/DB to the attention of the SDB Explorer guys
on a number of occasions, but I have been ignored by them.  Perhaps
some user pressure may convince them that M/DB compatibility would be
worthwhile.  It would be a negligible amount of work for them to allow
it to point to a different endpoint URL, after which it will think
it's still talking to SimpleDB.


Jul 21, 2011, 5:31:38 AM7/21/11
to M/DB Community Forum
hello rob & Ivan,
Bolso is answer to my question as i just need to get familiar with
but thank you for the reply.I have also tried Ivan option for VS 2008
and its pretty nice.
and rob just FYI I'm a cache/mumps developer working on VistA and
really appreciate your effort for giving an extra life to GTM.
M/DB certainly have the potential and I'm going to start a personal
project based on it.


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