MD-380 Acting odd

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Nov 18, 2023, 8:24:36 PM11/18/23
to md380tools
Travis, et alia:

I have on loan to me an MD-380 (400-480MHz) that shows nothing on the display (as if the LCD were off, i.e. black ) when the radio is powered on (the batteries and a charger work fine, they were tested on a different MD-380 that works fine). However, when the PTT and small button above the PTT are held depressed when the MD-380 is powered on the power LED flashes persistently betwixt green and red. This persuades me to think that the CPU and circuit board are likely not fried and that maybe some sort of reset can be conducted hereupon to bring the radio back to life.

In precedence to resetting the radio in some  manner, it would be nice to somehow extract the current firmware and/or codeplug (if possible) before performing such an ostensibly possible operation (even if in binary format), but recovering the functionality of the radio is the main goal.

I do not know if I have the correct MD-380 programming cable (I have several and were told some might be wrong or for a different Chinese radio than the TYT/Tytera). So, I am contemplating to order a TYT specifically proper cable first anyway. Some of my cables are unmarked, one does say "BAOFENG" on it. The end has a dual connector one being a 3/32" (2.5mm) and 1/8" (3.5mm) size with each having two black stripes ("TRS" or tip/ring/sleeve). I could perform a "terminal echo test" to figure out which is connector (using clip leads to short different combinations) and which 1/3 of each is the TX and RX and use a meter to find ground. But, if anyone knows of any useful photos or graphical pin-outs that would be great too.

Lastly, the software CD for the radio is some microscopic CD that cannot be "inserted" into any CD read I have and any software repositories that would help be (or manufacturer links) would as well be most greatly appreciated in no uncertain terms.

Anyone here have any ideas on if this is feasible or possible?

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration regarding the instant matters before us.


Dale Farnsworth

Nov 18, 2023, 8:41:34 PM11/18/23
Your firmware is inoperable. However, the red/green flashing may mean that the bootloader is still intact.

Here is what I suggest. Download editcp,

Editcp will allow you to install new firmware. Once firmware is running on the md380, editcp will permit you to read the codeplug into a file. (Who knows how intact the current codeplug is.


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Nov 18, 2023, 11:57:39 PM11/18/23
to md380tools
Dale, et alia:

Thank you for your most brisk response! This news is indeed most encouraging, and I will download all of the tools on the website. I may have already located some firmware files about the Internet in succession to reading your commentary as well.

I am a bit concerned about any potential harm I might cause the radio if I use the wrong type of programming cable. I have a bag of programming cables that look very similar (all are unmarked, excepting one or two of them clearly marked as BAOFENG). Most of them seem to properly plug into the MD-380 though. They all seem to be USB based and use PL2303 chips (big surprise) and thus using my Kali Linux laptop I will plug each cable in one by one and figure out how each is wired using a meter and by doing some "terminal echo testing"with minicom. I do have a Windows VM, but I far prefer using Linux or macOS. My GD-8200 does actually have a 9pin serial port, but no need for it in this case.

I am going to also look more on the Internet for a diagram of the MD-380 programming cable pin out as well. If I cannot briskly figure it out, I will just order one for $10 or whatever. I was advised to an "Octopus programming cable" ("8 in 1") cable, but I think I will likely go with one specific to the MD-380 at this point (unless anyone knows which "Octopus cable" would work). Whilst I am interested in just having a working MD-380 cable, I am curious what the rest of my pile of cables are for as I have long forgotten.

The foregoing notwithstanding, I will say that recovering the codeplug is more of a curiosity thing for me as it was last used in a very different region of the country. Thus, the codeplug is going to have to be added be given some love anyway, recoverable or not.


Dale Farnsworth

Nov 19, 2023, 12:43:56 AM11/19/23
The MD-380 cable has no electronics. It is just a passive cable. The USB interface is built-in the MD-380. I don't know the specific pinout.


Nov 19, 2023, 3:48:26 AM11/19/23
to md380tools

Ah, light shineth in cerebral darkness! I think I might know which cable it is then (granted, I also found one I could outright buy including shipping for about less than $8 too). The cable I think it is goes from USB to MD-380 dual plug but seems like it has zero USB electronics just an USB connector. I bet that is the right cable. I will mess with it tomorrow (on count of it being 12:50AM pacific time right now).

Don't get me wrong, even if I get this radio going to perfection I am still 99% sure I am going to purchase the Anytone Black Friday special next week for $315 including mobile charger, speaker phone, etc...


Keith Watt

Nov 19, 2023, 8:26:53 AM11/19/23
This reminds me of when one of my two MD380s had a dead display. 
Though mine went blank after programming when doing programming my pc hung up and it corrupted the radio. 
I could not program the radio with any software because all software said the radio was password protected but the radio never was password protected. 

I contacted TYT who were very fast to reply and gave me a link to download load a version of their software that ignores and password requirements and allows me to upload new TYT firmware to be radio. 
Radio fixed and I went in to upload the modified firmware that allowed for the large user database and removed the unwanted recording function in the radio. 

Touch wood several years later and the MD380 is still working well. 

I don’t know if I kept the TYT install package, but that software is still installed on my pc for fear I ever have the same problem. 

If you think this software may help you contact me off list. 

BTW the MD380 programming cable has no electronics in it. The USB interface electronics is within the radio. 

Keith G4MSF 

On 19 Nov 2023, at 08:48, Stuart <> wrote:


Dale Farnsworth

Nov 19, 2023, 9:23:14 AM11/19/23
One more thing that I just remembered. It's not terribly uncommon for an internal cable to the LCD to come loose. I haven't done it, but others report that it wasn't too difficult to reseat the cable and get the display working again.

Dale W7DA


Nov 19, 2023, 11:18:14 AM11/19/23
to md380tools
Dale, et alia:

I plugged the cable I thought was the MD-380 cable now in, no USB recognition, but after plugging it into the radio and powering the radio on (with PTT and the upper button depressed) Kali Linux stated it could not enumerate the USB device (but clearly knew one was there). Thus, I now have high confidence I have identified the right cable. I tried using a KVM based Windows VM but passing the USB device to windows via KVM for the radio did not seem to work due to its lack of enumeration. Thus, I am going to shutdown Kali today (which needs a reboot anyway), boot up my Windows HD (the GD-8200 has two hard drives in it) and try to rescue the radio.

My last step will be take the radio apart, just in case I can first get it working with software fixes first.

My first attempt will be to try to find the latest factory firmware and apply it as that is what the radio had in it last I understand. If that works and I can recover the codeplug, step 1 complete. Eventually, presuming I get the radio working (by any of the processes discussed herein above) I want to try the expanded "unofficial" firmware(s).

Well, my first order of business today is coffee and my salmon filet breakfast! :)

Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and I will eventually take the radio apart (even if it needs only software fixes for now), for a few reasons:

1) I bought this neat little antenna wrench (""X Key and destuffing wrench") from Ali Express to  turn the odd ball antenna nuts on the top of HTs, so why not try it? :) Apparently this wrench fits both my ID-52A and the MD-380 for tightening that little odd nut when it loosens on an HT sometimes (it has 4 sizes or wrench types and looks like an "X" or plus sign when oriented appropriately).

2) The rubber cover on the right hand side is missing (which covers the programming cable plugs) and if I can obtain one or 3D print a new cover, I will replace it.

3) I do want to make sure that all the connections inside (the audio connection and the LCD connection) are solid so I can have greater confidence putting the radio "in service" as one of my go to HTs for Amateur Radio (at this point it is likely going to be my home "DMR hotspot HT" as I plan to go Anytone soon for a carry about DMR HT).

Besides the rubber cover for the plugs on the right, I have two batteries for the MD-380 and one stands missing the belt clip also. So if anyone knows where I can obtain any of these parts (I will start by emailing TYT next week, or someone that sells batteries for it on Ali Express for a clip). I am hoping someone with a bad battery might have a clip to spare (be it a dealer or an individual).

What is good is that I have much more confidence that I can get this radio going again (regardless of what firmware I use, perhaps not recovering the previous codeplug data, having to reboot into Windows, or needing to disassembly the radio).

Keith:  When I contact TYT (about a battery clip, a replacement rubber cover and to know what the last official version number of the firmware they released for the radio is), I will ask them about the software you are referencing to see if they are able and willing to provide it to me (just in case I need it in the future). I also did see a way of "wiping out a password" on the radio as well, using dd and a program called "md380-dfu" though I do not know if that requires the firmware in the radio to be in a good state to work or not (for "DFU mode" I presume not but am not sure). I am not aware of anyone (myself or my friend Ken) ever putting a password on the radio, but it has been ages.

Thank you again to everyone.


Nov 19, 2023, 1:56:04 PM11/19/23
to md380tools
Dale, Keith, et alia:

Well it seems the Baofeng belt clips (at least for the DM-5R radios I have) fits the MD-380 battery, so I just ordered a pair of them for $1.59 on eBay. Problem solved! :)

If I am able to go and 3D print the side cover, once the radio fires up I will be in great shape. As well, I am going to keep an eye out for a spare MD-380 programming cable too, just so I have one.



Nov 19, 2023, 6:10:24 PM11/19/23
to md380tools
Dale, et alia:

I installed editcp but it needs the proper USB driver which I cannot find for the life of me.

I am using Windows 10 and when put the radio in firmware mode "PTT + Upper Button" and power on, no software is able to talk to it and acts like it is not even there. I see unknown devices in Device Manager and tried a device manager service but it was worthless.

Any ideas?


Dale Farnsworth

Nov 19, 2023, 6:52:17 PM11/19/23
On windows, editcp contains its own driver. It should work unless another driver has already been installed. Or, you have a bad cable.


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Nov 20, 2023, 3:24:26 AM11/20/23
to md380tools
Dale, et alia:

My next move was to most briskly order a new TYT cable that is ostensibly compatible with the MD-380 radio. I am not sure of when it will arrive, but likely in a week or so.

Now that I am aware (I was not before) that the Windows version of editcp does not require a driver (and I can uninstall any garbage drivers I tried today) and that I will have a proper cable soon, perhaps this will place me in a position to attempt to imprint a proper firmware image upon the radio and see it boot up. My first attempt will be to use the factory firmware. If thereafter the radio seems to work I will try to recover whatever residual code-plug programming is in it. Beyond that, I will then eventually see if I can get one of the more unofficial "expanded" firmware mages to work. But, one step at a time.

As always, thank you to you Dale and everyone for their wisdom and support regarding my challenges with the instant matters before us.



Nov 20, 2023, 9:41:59 AM11/20/23
to md380tools
Keith, et alia:

I was able to acquire the installation binaries for the same software your are referencing as well from the OEM. Once I am assured that I have a proper programming cable in hand and I the computer is talking to the radio properly, I will probably start off trying to apply the factory firmware using the software you mentioned that I now acquired. The optimal end state will be one of the "extended firmwares" I suppose.

The MD-380 I have has a secondary battery too and using it as an around the house radio for accessing local DMR repeaters from my home or via my hot-spot it will work fine. I do plan to get a better DMR radio (Anytone) in the next few weeks anyway, but I also want to ascertain if the MD-380 radio can be made to work too. I am not waiting to figure out the MD-380 condition before I order the new radio, I am just waiting to get some questions answered about the shipping and ordering process before I order it.

Thanks again!

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