TYT MD-UV380 Firmware Update Problem

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Ryan Davis

Oct 4, 2018, 12:00:33 AM10/4/18
to md380tools
I am about to pull my hair out over this. I have looked everywhere for an answer but can't seem to find anything to help. I was attempting to update the firmware on my UV380 from D017.005 to V017.005 to be able to accept the DMR ID contact list. First off I attempted to download the Flash tool off of the tyt888.com website but when i click on the download it flashes and disappears. I am unable to find anywhere on my computer where it downloaded if it did. So I downloaded the Tytera Flash Tool by KG5RKI. I then downloaded
MD-UV380(CSV)-V17.05.bin firmware from the tyt website and followed the instructions for flashing the firmware to the radio. After it was finished I turned off the radio and turned it back on only to find it was still in the program mode. I have attempted to re-flash it several times with no luck. I have even attempted to re-write the radio with a code plug from before the flash. When I read the radio is shows firmware T012.010. All the stuff I find online is geared towards the MD-380 and not a whole lot for the UV380. Any help would be greatly appropriated. Oh and I am CPS version 1.07 on windows 10. I also tried on windows 7.


Oct 17, 2018, 2:48:42 AM10/17/18
to md380tools
Hi Ryan,

 Facing the exact same issue, stuck in DFU mode... did you manage to get this sorted out ? Tested almost every flashing tool avaible & firmware to no avail. Also tested OSX vs Linux. 
If can read codeplugs fine while in DFU but not write those. Only difference if that I have a MD390 GPS.



Ty Weaver

Oct 17, 2018, 4:17:04 AM10/17/18
to md380...@googlegroups.com
I have only tried this with an md2017 / RT82, but it should work also on a uv380/uv390, no promises use at your own risk. Take no responsibility for any bricks etc.. This is a quick and dirty process I came up with to revive radios that are being stubborn..

requirements:  python 2.7, pyusb 1.0, windows xp through win10 (32bit or 64bit).  Will also work on linux, just look in the bat files..

Download and extract this to a folder: https://kg5rki.com/fixmyuv380plz.zip

Connect radio to computer and turn on in normal mode (not dfu).

Make sure that the cps software can read from the radio, if it doesn't, reflash the firmware in dfu first.

Once it does read in CPS, install the libusb driver to the radio device by running zadic.exe.

First lets back up your current flash just in case.. run READ.bat.

This will take many minutes.. be patient and just let it go until it finishes or crashes.. should output flashdump.bin and be around 121mb in size.

Restart radio.

Drag TyT_UV380.bin onto WRITE.bat.

Let it run, ignore the percentage values, everything is cool as long as its still moving. Be patient.

It will probably crash at the end with either an error or freeze.  Don't worry.. your radio is fine... Take the battery out and put back in.
Radio should be fine now. 

Plug into pc and turn on in normal mode, open device manager and open libusb section.

Right click the libusb device and hit uninstall, make sure to check box delete driver.

Restart radio and you are now back to normal, and with regular drivers...

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Romain Bourdy

Oct 17, 2018, 6:55:17 AM10/17/18
to md380tools
Hi Ty,

 Appreciate the reply but the radio doesn't boot, it's stuck on DFU mode. Flashing doesn't yield errors but doesn't restore the radio to a proper state. But if anyone has that full dump maybe it would work ?

Ken Gunther

Oct 17, 2018, 10:22:31 AM10/17/18
to md380...@googlegroups.com
Have you tried removing the battery and leaving it out for 30 minutes or so?

       Ken WB2KWC 

Romain Bourdy

Oct 17, 2018, 11:47:46 AM10/17/18
to md380tools
Yes I left it without battery overnight with the power knob "on" with a secret hope that some cap would drain but no luck.

Romain Bourdy

Oct 17, 2018, 12:31:16 PM10/17/18
to md380tools
Tried the dump thing with DFU and it seemed to work, returned the correct file size. 
Continued with the re-flashing but didn't work either after battery removal, it stills reboot in DFU mode. 

Should I try with another firmware for 390 GPS ?

Le mercredi 17 octobre 2018 10:17:04 UTC+2, Ty Weaver a écrit :

Ty Weaver

Oct 17, 2018, 12:48:08 PM10/17/18
to md380...@googlegroups.com
Make sure your putting the correct firmware on it.. It should boot. 

Romain Bourdy

Oct 17, 2018, 1:53:51 PM10/17/18
to md380tools
It worked with the Stock firmware using your modified version, thanks a lot for the tool !


Feb 1, 2019, 9:14:14 PM2/1/19
to md380tools
doe this install mdtools on the tyt uv380? or fix a messed up one?

Jon G

May 17, 2019, 2:07:07 PM5/17/19
to md380tools
You will find the Flashtool, under Program Files (X86), It is called FirmwareDownloadV3.04, in my case.


May 17, 2019, 6:50:51 PM5/17/19
to md380...@googlegroups.com
BAIXE A VERSÃO 1.34 E 1.40

Ailton PY5TSP                                      

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Sep 2, 2019, 1:18:23 PM9/2/19
to md380tools
podělím se o zkušenost s flashováním FW na Tyt MD UV380G (dualband s GPS), která mi pokazila půl pobytu v lázních.

Hned jeden z prvních večerů jsem se pokusil flasnout FW (místo abych šel zpařit někam do baru s holkami).
Při přechodu do flash modu bliká střídavě červená a zelená led, po vypnutí trx a opětovném zapnutí se trx vrací do běžného režimu.

Já přešel do flash režimu a spustil nějký flasher a díky nedbalosti experimentální FW pro MD380 (monoband), nahrání FW sice jakoby proběhlo (hlásil flasher), ale trx zůstal v módu flash a v něm zůstal i po vypnutí a opětovném zapnutí, stále blikala červená / zelená. Na diskusích jsem našel více obdobně postižených, nikoliv však funkční radu jak z toho ven. Emaily na podporu TYT888 se vracely jako nedoručitelné. Po týdnu marných pokusů, jsem 120USD obrečel a plánoval nákup nějaké nové DMRky.

Po návratu z lázní, jsem dnes zkusil poslední možnost, rozebral jsem trx a odpájel na minutu záložní baterii na desce plošných spojů (poté připájel zpět), ale ani po této operaci se stav trx nezměnil.

Poslední pokus v bezvýchodné situaci byl spuštění softu, který na W7 spustit nešel a padal. Po spuštění v režimu kompatibilty XP SP3 starý instalátor naběhl, starý flasfher se nainstaloval a flash MD-UV380(CSV-GPS)-P17.05 pomocí tohoto softu (předtím jsem měl GPS-REC S17.05) proběhl až do konce a trx konečně opět jede. :D :D

použitý SW: FirmwareDownloadV3.04_EN
z balíku 20180910113722.zip na http://www.tyt888.com/uploadfile/upfile/20180910113722.zip


I will share my experience with flashing FW on Tyt MD UV380G (dualband with GPS), which has ruined my half-year stay at the spa.

One of the first evenings I tried to flashy FW (instead of going to the bar with the girls).
When switching to flash mode, the red and green LEDs flash alternately, after trx is switched off and on again trx returns to normal mode.

I went into flash mode and started some flasher and due to negligence experimental FW for MD380 (monoband), loading FW as if it was done (reported flasher), but trx stayed in flash mode and stayed there even after switching off and on again, still flashing red / green. In the discussions I found more similarly affected, but not functional advice on how to get out of it. Emails to support TYT888 returned as undeliverable. After a week of futile attempts, I cried over 120USD and planned to buy some new DMR.

After returning from the spa, I tried the last option today, dismantled the trx and soldered the backup battery on the printed circuit board for a minute (then soldered back), but even after this operation, the trx condition did not change.

The last attempt in a hopeless situation was to run a soft-ware that didn't run on W7 and crashed. After running in XP SP3 compatibility mode the old installer has booted up, the old flasfher has been installed and the flash MD-UV380 (CSV-GPS) -P17.05 using this software (before I had GPS-REC S17.05) ran to the end and trx finally goes again. : D: D

SW used: FirmwareDownloadV3.04_EN
from the 20180910113722.zip package at http://www.tyt888.com/uploadfile/upfile/20180910113722.zip


Sep 2, 2019, 1:23:08 PM9/2/19
to md380tools


Jun 20, 2020, 6:27:38 PM6/20/20
to md380tools
OK, Ty, what if it won't come out of DFU mode?  How do I fix it then?
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Dale Farnsworth

Jun 20, 2020, 9:46:45 PM6/20/20
to md380tools
In my experience some are fooled by thinking that just because the red/green lights are flashing,
that it is in DFU mode.  Make sure you power-on while holding down the button above the PTT
switch.  That puts it in DFU mode. where it should accept new firmware.

Good luck.

Dale Farnsworth, NO7K

Spiros Xanthopoulos

Oct 22, 2020, 7:13:02 AM10/22/20
to md380tools
Hi all, just trying to flash to a uv 390 gps that i got used...and stuck in flashing light red/green. Hope i can bring it back up.

Dale Farnsworth

Oct 22, 2020, 11:53:20 AM10/22/20
to md380tools
Make sure that you use the MD-UV390 firmware.  The MD380/MD390 firmware will NOT work, There is no md380tools firmware that will work on the MD-UV390.

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Jan Horwatt-Baniewicz

Apr 5, 2022, 5:40:37 AM4/5/22
to md380tools
Ok i did same... flashed with md3800tool my uv390 gps, get stucked in dfu but after all managed to reflash with upladerdownloader 3.04 with some old gps-rec firmware, then unlock (button above and below) and here i am.
May someone point me out where can i get newest md-uv380/390 GPS version firmware ? Stock was 019.005 now im on some 018. heard there is 020 even

Dale Farnsworth

Apr 5, 2022, 1:58:25 PM4/5/22
to md380tools
The latest MD-UV380/MD-UV390 firmware I've found is 18.16.  I've made it available at https://www.farnsworth.org/dale/dmr/factory_firmware/MD-UV380_MD-UV390/20200316-MD-UV380%20MD-UV390.zip

If you find a more recent version, please let me know.

Dale Farnsworth, NO7K

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