Using muamus_float in mcx command line

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Alu mine

Nov 23, 2023, 1:55:17 PM11/23/23
to mcx-users

Dear Dr.Fang

Still of the problem about setting mua and mus independently in the previous post.

Only found routine in mcxlab/example, but in mcx/example

Although using mcx2json attempts to convert the cfg in mcxlab into a json file, to drive mcx use directly,

The current json file structure as follow:







       "Forward":{ "T0":0, "T1":5e-09,"Dt":5e-09 },


              "Source":{ "Pos":[30,30,1],"Dir":[0,0,1] }




              "Media":[{ "mua":0, "mus":0, "g":1, "n":1 }, { "mua":0.005, "mus":1, "g":0,  "n":1.37} ],











......mua,mus format data......




And using mcx command

mcx -f .\uaus.json -K 102  -F mc2

post error

MCX ERROR(-6):medium index exceeds the specified medium types in unit mcx_utils.c:3330

This situation looks strange. At the src directory, this problem seems to be related to cfg->medianum, but cfg->medianum seems to be related to the length of Domain.Media? (Maybe?)

How to modify to use simulation in command line when MediaFormat is not 1?

And how to find the correspondence between the cfg in mcxlab and the json file in mcx?Although most parameters can be matched obviouly, some special parameters maybe a bit difficult to match.

Thanks again and looking forward to your reply.

Qianqian Fang

Dec 2, 2023, 3:55:23 PM12/2/23
to, Alu mine

I was able to reproduce the error after exporting the continuously-varying medium simulation using mcx2json.

I have created an Issue on github to track this problem

I will close it when I have a fix.

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