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Dear MCX/MMC registered users,
We have not run dedicated in-personal workshop over the last 4 years due to the pandemic, and we missed you so much!
I am excited to let you know that our in-person training workshop
is finally coming back, and growing even stronger! We have a lot
to share!
We will be holding our 5th International MCX Training Workshop
(Day 1-2) joint with our Inaugural (1st) NeuroJSON Open-data
Workshop/Hackathon (Day 3-4) between June 23-26 2024 on the
Boston campus of Northeastern University, USA.
Event Address: ISEC (805 Columbus Ave, Boston, MA
02115, USA)
Dates: June 23-24 (MCX Training
Workshop) and June 25-26 (NeuroJSON Workshop/Hackathon)
Website: https://mcx.space,
https://neurojson.org, https://neurojson.io
Tentative agenda: Coming soon!
Seats are limited, please use the below link to register at your
earliest convenience to secure your enrollment.
We also provide funding (competitive) to support 2-3 students
traveling from other institutions to join our training events. If
you are interested in applying for the travel grant (covering up
to $500 per domestic student and $1000 per international student),
please indicate so in the below registration form, and submit an
application, including your up-to-date CV, a 2-page personal
statement and minimum 1 support letter within 10 days after the
registration. Details can be found in the registration form.
Low-cost campus housing options are also provided.
There is also a possibility that we may organize a second in-person MCX/NeuroJSON training workshop in the middle of August. This is still to be determined - but we will let you know once the decision is decided.
We are looking forward to welcoming you, our friends,
collaborators, and users in Boston in June!