Results of my Autosomal DNA test

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Apr 11, 2014, 4:26:00 PM4/11/14
I received the results earlier this week. They gave me 716 matches.

The only names I recognize amongst the matches are Anne McElhaney (who is also a descendant of Col James McCown) and Michael Dewitt McCown (descendant of Frances McCown who moved from Ulster to Virginia).

When we upgraded my y-DNA test to 111 markers last year, Chris McCown concluded that my ggg-grandfather Sampson McCown (born South Carolina, 1775) is most likely descended from Alexander McCown of the six brothers who moved from Ulster to Pennsylvania.

Mic Barnette

Jun 13, 2014, 9:41:49 AM6/13/14
Hi Jim:

 I was going to reply to this email earlier but got busy and forgot to do so.

I looked at Mike McCown's matches or which you are one but Ann and I are not. The three of us-you, me and Ann all come off Sampson and Margaret Telford. You and Ann come off James McCown and I come off his brother, Sampson-both sons of Sampson and Margaret (Telford)  McCown. You and Ann match and Ann and I match but not you and I. Also, Mike does match either me or Ann.

Back to Mike....You and he match, but when you look at on which chromosome, etc your match it is not the same as where you and Ann match. So, apparently the match you have with Mike is probably not on a McCown line, it is somewhere else. Plus, the connection of any of us off Sampson and Margaret Telford McCown is it is another generation or two to get back to where Mike and the rest of us split off. We are related but it is so far back the autosomal DNA test, Family Finder is not picking it up due to the small amount of autosomal dna we might share

This is new, as within the past few days. Rita Lyons is my first cousin and her results just came in this week. She matches me, of course, as first cousin. She also matches you as 2-4 cousin sharing 73.02 cM. When I do a surname check on McCown. Only I come up. You do not due to not having any surnames listed. It is when I ask for people surnamed McCown that you come up. When I ask who the two of you have in common I get 15 matches. None of these people show McCown as an ancestral surname and me nor Ann nor any of her family come up. So, ya'll have something else going on other than a connection on McCown. These other 15 people are not necessarily related to one another. It just means you are related to each of them as is Rita.. And it does not mean these people are related to one another. Each one has to be looked at individually. Actually, it does not really even mean you and Rita are matching om McCown. I assume you are. Guess we will have to look and see where (which chromosome)  ya'lls match is and compare that to Ann and myself. It is possible you and Rita might have some other connection. I know Rita's maternal line as that is mine, also, but know nothing of her father's line.

So, it would be great if we had more McCowns testing with Family Tree DNA on the Family Finder test. Now, is a good time. They have a $20 discount on that test through June 17. The test is $79 rather than $99.


James McCown

Jun 13, 2014, 10:12:00 AM6/13/14
Hi Mic:

Mike Dewitt McCown and I are a match on the y-DNA, therefore we are definitely related on the McCown line. We have known from other peoples' matches that the Francis McCown line is related to the Alexander McCown/Six Brothers line. We just don't know where or how. They likely had some common male ancestor in Scotland, which may have been centuries earlier.

Who knows? Perhaps Mike and I are also related through another line. It is possible.

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George Stuart

Jun 13, 2014, 10:54:07 AM6/13/14

My grandmother was a McCown. I descend from Francis McCown and Nancy Swinney like Leonard. I come off the William McCown and Mary Vaughn line while Leonard comes off the John McCown and Nancy Vaughn line. Brothers married sisters.

I cannot help with YDNA (I tested in the FTDNA Stewart/Stuart Project). However I did test autosomal DNA with 23andMe and and have matched a few with the McCown surname in their list of surnames.

I sent a sharing request to Christopher McCown (who is a "public match") on 23andMe but never got a response.


George Stuart

Ancestry username = george3305

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Leonard J. McCown

Jun 13, 2014, 11:04:33 AM6/13/14

George, did you transfer the test from 23andMe and to FTDNA, so they would all be in one place? You can do that, but think there is a charge. Leonard



Leonard J. McCown, Irving, Texas -- McCown Family History --

People will not look forward to posterity who never look backward to

their ancestors. -- Edmund Burke, 1790

Chris McCown

Jun 13, 2014, 11:17:58 AM6/13/14
I accepted your 23andMe invite.  I’m on the John and Nancy line.  My Dad is also tested at 23andMe but I doubt he’s paying attention to his invites.

Chris McCown

Jun 13, 2014, 11:26:15 AM6/13/14
I should clarify…

I’m on the John William McCown and Nancy Parks line… so William and Mary before that.


James McCown

Jun 13, 2014, 3:32:19 PM6/13/14

Now that I think about it, the results of both the autosomal DNA test and y-DNA test are consistent.

Neither you nor Ann are patrilineal descendants of Sampson McCown, therefore you did not inherit the DNA in his y-chromosome. Whereas we know from the y-DNA test that Mike and I have a common male ancestor. Therefore, we have at least a partial match on our y-DNA and definitely some more on the autosomal DNA. 

It is not surprising that you and I do not match. Our common ancestors are Sampson  and Margaret Telford McCown, who together supplied only 1/16 of our DNA. Add to that the fact that the DNA mutates at least a little in each generation.

Chris McCown is much more knowledgeable about genetics than me. If he is reading this, he can correct me if I am wrong. My understanding from college biology class is that each time sperm and egg cells are created in the meiosis process, the DNA gets scrambled at least a little bit. You can easily see that in most people who have full brothers or sisters. Unless they are identical twins, they will look similar but not identical. That is the result of the changes in the DNA of both parents.

On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 8:41 AM, Mic Barnette <> wrote:


Chris McCown

Jun 13, 2014, 4:34:31 PM6/13/14
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