"Last Call" showing in Carlisle -- Thursday Nov. 10, 7:00 pm

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Mike Hanauer

Oct 27, 2015, 3:06:43 PM10/27/15
to My Environmentally Concerned Friends
Dear Environmentally Concerned Friends:

Some of you have seen "Growthbusters: Hooked on Growth", the film that illustrates how our culture of eternal population and economic growth is impacting our environment and quality of life -- even overwhelming all else we do to conserve. A great 2-minute intro to the problem by Robert Kennedy can be viewed at http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2009/06/13/204231/robert-f-kennedy-gdp-obama-ponzi-scheme/.

The new movie "Last Call" fills in the gaps and tells you of the science and the blockade erected to value profits over common sense and the public good.

“Last Call” Screening on Nov 10, 7:00 pm in Carlisle, MA. Poster Attached, feel free to forward to other people and organizations, as well as to include in your organization's communications.
You are invited to a screening of “Last Call.” In the early 1970’s, a team of scientists from MIT created the first computer model to analyze the interaction between exponential growth and finite natural resources on planet Earth.  Published as Limits to Growth, the work was promptly vilified throughout the 80’s and 90’s, primarily by economists and business interests.
In the 2000’s, independent researchers confirmed that data trends from 1970-2010 have been following the Standard Run (business-as-usual) model scenario from Limits to Growth. The film Last Call tells us the story of Limits to Growth, and invites us to consider:  What happens next?
A discussion will follow the screening. Popcorn and cold and hot drinks will be offered. The event will be Tuesday, November 10, from 7pm--9pm in Union Hall at 27 School Street in Carlisle.  Sponsored by the First Religious Society Unitarian Universalist Environmental Action Committee. Free Admission/Free parking.

Thanks so much for your interest and your actions to promote authentic sustainability.

Questions: Mike Hanauer  MGHa...@yahoo.com



This is much BIGGER than only climate change, which is one of many difficult environmental and social problems we now have. I have come to believe that getting to authentic sustainability, as the real environmental issue, is the required overarching goal if we wish to save our planet, our nation, and our communities.

If we only try to mitigate symptoms like climate change, we still NEVER attain authentic sustainability. That means the oceans still die, the fish are all eaten, the planet’s diversity of life disappears with all its habitat, the traffic, sprawl, heaps of trash, and economic inequality still only get worse with always escalating housing prices, clean water becomes ever scarcer, and we still need franken foods to feed the growing population. In fact, mitigating only carbon emissions may well allow us to further escape sustainability and worsen all the symptoms. Our continuing population and economic growth overwhelms all else, including carbon emissions and our need for energy. I believe we must get to a steady state economy (see CASSE at

Our culture of looking to (eternal) growth is the SOURCE of most of our problems, NOT the solution. The USA doubles its GDP every 40 years and doubles its population every 60 years. Growth overwhelms all else we try to do to help the environment and our society. It only feeds quantity while quality is overwhelmed.

You say we don’t have time to act on the overarching issue of growth? We have said that for 50 years, yet we always find some other symptom to fight. Further, changing population trends is technologically easy and quick compared to changing atmospheric carbon levels. It is time! Individuals and, especially, organizations must rise to this reality if they value their mission or an honest quality future.

Consider even the local financial, water and open space challenges in your own community. Without always pressure to support more growth, we could concentrate on our quality of life rather than in always somehow accommodating more. “Better, not bigger”.

Population is the great multiplier!

 “Anyone who believes in unlimited growth is either a madman or an economist”. -Kenneth Boulding

"Still More economic or population growth is not our way to a healthy community, a healthy planet, OR enjoyable cycling."
Last Call flyer v2.pdf
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