[mbedmicro/pyOCD] Target Support EFM32 (#280)

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Friedrich Mäckle

2017年3月9日 09:24:022017/3/9
收件人 mbedmicro/pyOCD、Subscribed

What are the steps to support a new platform? We do have several boards here and some are supported by pcOCD, some are not.

E.g. our EFM32 boards by Silicon labs are not supported.

How much effort is it to add support for this platform? How could one provide the support?

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2017年3月24日 10:43:162017/3/24
收件人 mbedmicro/pyOCD、Subscribed


Russ Butler

2017年3月24日 11:15:472017/3/24
收件人 mbedmicro/pyOCD、Subscribed

Hi @pfried, do the EFM32 devices you mention have support in a cmsis-pack? If so, support for this target may come in with #284.

Friedrich Mäckle

2018年11月29日 09:28:582018/11/29
收件人 mbedmicro/pyOCD、Subscribed

@c1728p9 Do you know if there is any progress on this? Now 1.5 years later we are taking a next look at mbed os debugging with DAP-Link, but as it seems it is the same as when I left of.

Russ Butler

2018年11月30日 15:36:262018/11/30
收件人 mbedmicro/pyOCD、Subscribed

@flit can you provide any information on when pack targets will be supported?

Chris Reed

2018年12月3日 18:13:162018/12/3
收件人 mbedmicro/pyOCD、Subscribed

Hi @pfried, we typically rely on silicon partners and community members to add support for new targets. For broader target support, we are going to be moving to a CMSIS-Pack based configuration system (in addition to the existing built-in targets). The issue tracking this is #357. The goal is to have this completed by March 2019 (work has started).

Friedrich Mäckle

2018年12月12日 08:04:212018/12/12
收件人 mbedmicro/pyOCD、Subscribed

I think we will wait for a pack support. For our current development we "solved" this issue by using the Segger J-Link Server for gdb debugging.

Chris Reed

2019年2月7日 17:34:372019/2/7
收件人 mbedmicro/pyOCD、Subscribed

Fyi, version 0.16.0 added pack support. You can download a pack from http://www.keil.com/dd2/pack/ and use the --pack command line argument to make the devices it defines available to pyOCD.

James Churchill

2019年3月11日 21:16:522019/3/11
收件人 mbedmicro/pyOCD、Subscribed

Can confirm this works with the EFM32G pack downloaded from https://developer.arm.com/embedded/cmsis/cmsis-packs.

Chris Reed

2019年3月13日 10:49:172019/3/13
收件人 mbedmicro/pyOCD、Subscribed

Excellent, thanks for reporting your success!

Chris Reed

2019年4月16日 17:52:582019/4/16
收件人 mbedmicro/pyOCD、Subscribed

Closing this issue since EFM32 targets are now supported via CMSIS-Packs.

With version 0.19.0, you can now add EFM32 support just by running pyocd pack -i efm32. That will install quite a few packs, so you probably want to be more specific about the part number.

Chris Reed

2019年4月16日 17:53:002019/4/16
收件人 mbedmicro/pyOCD、Subscribed

Closed #280.

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