RWA-MG and CCHSL matters need attention

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Neera Misra

Oct 19, 2021, 7:13:11 AM10/19/21
to RWA Google Group


To All Residents of

Mayfair Apartment / Garden area                                               16th Oct 2021


Sub: Request please not to defame regular payers of Maintenance/ other charges.


Dear Residents,


This is to counter all baseless allegations of non-payments of maintenances/ other charges by me. Most old residents of Mayfair Gardens are aware that I, Neera Misra, moved in here in Feb 1994 with my parents, and after the initial Maintenances ‘other payments of Rs 400/- per quarter by my father, since 1996. I have personally been paying all dues of Maintenances via bank. The earlier Maintenances Committee, mainly managed by Shri Malhotra ji and Shri Kamal Sahani ji can vouch that I never failed in any payments towards this. But now since last over six years baseless allegations of non-payments are being circulated, which need to be countered with facts.


No dues pending as of today rather Maintenance Committee owes money to me and one of my ex-employees (who is now employee in Delhi Police). Due to a long lingering dispute between Maintenance Committee comprising Garden and Apt (brief shared below), a new Committee, supported by late Shri G S Ambawani ji was constituted, which was not technically FORMAL because neither proper election were held nor the Garden representatives were part of it as they said they are part of RWA-MG. Then what happened at apt complex? -


(1) The ‘so-called’ Secretary of the new Maintenance committee Mr Vijay Thadani first used my former Book Keeping job worker and my part time office staff for accounts and maintenances work, then when I objected to him using the office space for his personal business deals, he insulted and abused me.


(2) The Committee increased Maintenances by over 120% at one go- an unheard of and most unethical / unreasonable thing. Also send bill of 1 lakh Capital expenses for repair and 90,000 for new lift.


(3) Surprisingly a long serving, most universally cooperative full time Guard @12,000/- month was replaced with a Head Guard @17,000/- who controls 2 others who say they sign on higher amounts but get less in cash?. The Head Guard was non-cooperative to the extent that he would let venders walk in without registering or informing me on intercom, even though I had informed that I have threats on account of being involved in Report of Delhi Riots. He bluntly said it is not his job to register all visitors or inform me over intercom. So what’s his  job? He also told other Guards NOT to do any work I may request, even though I as a single lady may sometimes need some extra help– this noncooperation was even during peak COVID times! Reporting to Mr Vijay Malani did not help, as seemed helpless. I feel sad and helpless, as my contribution was also misunderstood here.


(4) My problems started when I protested against the unethical and wrong 120% increase in maintenances charges. My maintenances was STOPPED, and TILL DATE  I get no electrical/ plumbing help even to fix a bulb?! I kept paying regular maintenances, first paid dues with increase @30% and then increase @50% and finally in 2019 paid as per bill. BUT STILL WAS DENIED MAINTENANCES FOR PLUMBING/ ELECTRICIAN/ GARDNER (from 15th Feb 1994 we were getting minor repair of electrical/ plumbing and watering of outside plants by Gardner as part of maintenances) . Thus after 6 months I reduced payments to @12000/- per quarter and HAVE PAID TILL DEC 2021.


(5) Capital expenses for Repair / lift – Be informed that I have paid Rs 1 Lakh + intercom charges (strangely billed separately), though in my Block 7, work done near our flat is less than Rs 10,000/- as only wall painting (below standard), and change of letterbox done. The dug rubble infested area near Power meters is still in unrepaired filth despite many reminders. PLUS the underground seepage to our flat from corner garden (which has made me change my wardrobe woodwork 3 times in 12 years, uprooted our tiles and has continuous fungus on the walls), HAS NOT BEEN REPAIRED DESPITE SEVERAL REASSURANCES and yet me paying the capital expenses. I have paid Rs 1 lakh, (even though 38 lakh- I from each flat- worth work not done at all in complex!?) and was willing to add on provided our common area repair work too is done, like others.


Why step-motherly treatment to me? Terrace repairs and lift are common responsibility BUT garden seepage at foundation is not? This seepage is dangerous for my health at present BUT is more DANGEROUS IN WEAKENING FOUNDATION OF THE WHOLE BUILDING GRADUALLY. Question remains why no work has been done for my area, why Guards and plumber not attending to my calls. Why no equal treatment to ALL.


Maintenances are services for which we pay--- all RESIDENTS PAY and ALL RESIDENTS need respectful attendances for the same. The Guard and plumber speak as if they are owners of building and we are some beggars here requesting free service? Is this ‘humane’ attitude and behavior? How can/what makes an employee or job worker behave such? Several times I informed this to Shri Vijay Malani but he expressed his helplessness. These are unpleasant affairs.


Brief background: Though many issues of disagreements between Bungalow and Apartments residents were cropping up, and I do remember that since 2001 even proper elections had been hampered. Yet being single, taking care of my aged parents and becoming visually challenged due to the 2000 November near fatal car accident (which most old residents know of), I kept aloof. After RWA Mayfair Garden was formed as per new scheme of Delhi Govt. and conversion of properties to Freehold, I was roped in as Vice President RWA-MG. Late Shri Ambwani ji and then Prez RWA-MG Dr Pushpa Chandra ji requested my support to help tackle some technical irregularities created due to formation of a parallel Cooperative Society, when the CCHSL was not dissolved and an RWA-MG already created. Technically when majority members have withdrawn the Society is DEFUNCT. The ROC was approached and Shri Ambawani ji had initiated process to dissolve CCHSL by getting at least 60% signatures (I still have those files).  The archaic rules are now changed.


Later in 2017-18 I was told by ROC that if 60% of Members sign and put a request to dissolve the long defunct Society then it can be formally be dissolved and the RWA can function either as one for whole area of two separate ones for Bungalows and Apartments on lines of DDA flats where RWA is for ALL RESDENTS and committees can have representations all residents to manage, not just owners. This has been informed to new RWA prez Sonali too.


What is most weird and shocking is that the RWA members from Bungalows had been saying they have no interest or say in CCHSL matters YET the Prez and Secretary come with a list and authenticate formation of a Maintenance Committee for Apartments, WITHOUT PROPER ELECTIONS. Elections to a defunct society cannot take place because majority of over 60% members from Bungalows have moved themselves out from Society. SO WHY CANNOT THESE 60% SIGN AND GIVE THIS TO ROC SO THE ENTITY CALLED CCHSL LYING IN COMMA SINCE 2001 CAN HAVE A QUITE BURIAL.


If the apartments residents do not want to associate with Garden residents then they can have one own  RESIDENTS Welfare Association (not a Mayfair Apartments Welfare Association), because welfare of all residents is prime.


Once again I reiterate that my maintenances dues are cleared till Dec 2021, and have paid all reasonable capital expenses, and waiting for repair of underground seepage to my flat from corner garden.


Thanking you

Best wishes to all


Neera Misra (9811032388)


Draupadi Dream Trust,

Student Emeritus- ancient Bhartiya Itihasa and Knowledge Systems

Visiting - Professor to Govt. and Pvt. Universities/Institutes.

Author & Editor



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