Mayan EDMS on Youtube

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Jun 7, 2018, 3:39:14 PM6/7/18
to Mayan EDMS
Is it possible to make a new youtube video about how to use Mayan Emds.
I have found some small video's but they are to short and to old.

Coudn't find a manual how to use it either,

I have some questions. I use the docker image on my synology. 
I want to use the watch folder but could not create a map inside docker. 
Becouse it not worked i have tried the pop3 email. Thats works great. 
So now i have some new file's but there's no way to see all new (not classified (hope its the correct word)) files. 

I saw it's possible to rename the file's with a other program. Is it also possible with a docker image?

And what's the meaning of Checkouts, parsing, Cabinets.

And i saw on Documenttype "Amount of time after which documents of this type will be moved to the trash."  

So the documents are deleted after a while? 

Sorry for my English. 

Hope someone can help me. 


The Netherlands 

Roberto Rosario

Jun 8, 2018, 3:56:51 PM6/8/18
to Mayan EDMS

I stopped producing YouTube video because they take a considerable amount of time and required skills outside my domain. I might do some to showcase new features in major releases but I don't think I'll make more in the tutorial format.

The documentation in at:

"So now i have some new file's but there's no way to see all new (not classified (hope its the correct word)) files. " - I don't understand what you are trying to convey, perhaps add some screenshots so I can follow and offer some advice.

"And what's the meaning of Checkouts, parsing, Cabinets."

Checkouts: It is used to block a document so that no one else can upload a new version while you work on it. The block can be made to expire after a certain time or you can unblock the document when you finish.

Document parsing: The text content of a document is extracted (PDFs, Office documents, Text files). If the text cannot be extracted then the use must rely on the OCR for the text content of an uploaded document. Parsing is best, OCR is the fallback when parsing is not possible. Although, OCR can also obtain text from images and illustrations in PDF and Office documents that is not available as text in the document itself.

Cabinet: If a folder structure to organize documents. Like folders in your computer. Use this to get started but then move to document indexes which are like Cabinets but documents are categorized automatically using rules called "Index Templates".

"And i saw on Documenttype "Amount of time after which documents of this type will be moved to the trash."  "

Yes, this is called "Retention Policies" (
Sometimes it is mandated by law to destroy some data after a time. Setting the trash interval will move documents of that time to the trash. Setting the delete interval will permanently delete the documents of that type from the trash can after the period of time specified. By default documents in the trash can will be deleted after 30 days.

Ovidiu Pacuraru

Aug 14, 2018, 10:13:11 AM8/14/18
to Mayan EDMS

Is that documentation link everything that is available? Apart from reading this group are there any other docs available that you are aware of? 

I have setup Mayan via Docker and have spent a full day setting it up, I think I clicked every link at least twice, I create users, groups, roles, workflows, states, transitions, cabinets and am still failing to grasp the connections between these. 
I'm also confused by the fact that one can setup ACLs on most items. I am still failing to figure out how to upload a doc to a cabinet and have it automatically end up in the corresponding workflow where the right person can then transition it. 

What is my best way forward, should I describe my (quite a simple scenario) requirements here and see if anyone can help out? Mayan looks like it can do exactly what I need except the lack of a user-manual or description of the connections between items I mentioned.
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