Question about SWD format

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Sandra Skowronek

May 28, 2015, 9:54:45 PM5/28/15
Hi everyone,

I want to use the SWD format for my samples, and have formatted it accordingly as .csv file (see screenshot below). The environmental variables are 248 bands of a hyperspectral dataset. When I run it in MaxEnt I get the error messages

"unused field in mosaic001.asc in specPointCampy_1.csv",
"unused field in mosaic002.asc in specPointCampy_1.csv",
"unused field in mosaic003.asc in specPointCampy_1.csv"

When I ignore the messages I get the next error

"Samples need to be in SWD format when background data is in the SWD format".

So I guess the format of my samples is somehow wrong.

I've scanned through this forum for answers, I saw some people have had the same problem, but there was no solution posted. Would be great if anyone has an Idea about what is wrong with the format of my data sheet.

Thanks a lot


Oliver Burdekin

May 29, 2015, 4:49:30 AM5/29/15
Hi Sandra,

Have you checked to make sure that the SWD for your samples has column headings that exactly match the filenames of your background layers? And they are in the same order? That can sometimes trip MaxEnt up  (I think even capitalisation can make it fail).

Just for clarification, from your error message the first environmental layer looks like "mosaic001" and that should be exactly the title of your first column in the samples SWD (after species, Long, Lat).

Also, what method did you use to create the SWD file? Command line or a GIS program?

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