Request Data Stream problem

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Mrunal Shinde

Mar 10, 2021, 8:58:28 AM3/10/21
to MAVLink
Hello Everyone , 
I made a flight controller from stm32f103 bluepill . So i wanted to send the gps and attitude values to mission planner . I want the gps coordinates to reflect on the Mission Planner UI . I tried to connect the stm board to mission planner using mavlink. After sending the Heartbeat message I received a msg id of 66 from the software . Which is the id for Request Data stream and now i am stuck figuring out how do I the data stream to the software . How can I sent the data stream ?

Hamish Willee

Mar 17, 2021, 1:04:16 AM3/17/21
to MAVLink
If you're working on ArduPilot this is probably best asked in the #mavlink channel on the ArduPilot discord server. 

If you look at you will see that this basically is asking you for a specific message  ( req_stream_id  )   be sent out at a certain rate ( req_message_rate  ). You will have to inspect the message to find out what message is to be sent based on that id and then send it out at the specified rate IF the start_stop bit is 1 AND the component and system target ids match your flight stack.

Mrunal Shinde

Mar 17, 2021, 1:42:09 AM3/17/21
Thankyou so much for your help . I was able to connect my stm32 to Mission Planner . Tough as of now I can just connect it to MP and transfer some heartbeat messages and data streams . I am working on sending all the Parameters used in ARDUCOPTER . So that I could use all the functions present in Mission Planner . Should I post an article on How to connect any Mictrocontroller to Mission Planner via Mavlink . Because I didn’t find much work on this topic . 
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Hamish Willee

Mar 17, 2021, 2:33:21 AM3/17/21
to MAVLink
Probably, but you might find some of this already if you ask in the ArduPilot community. Try their discord server, #mavlink branch.

Right now I'm wearing my "MAVLink had"; we're interested in making mavlink as standardized as possible in the hope that you don't need to think "too much" about interworking with a particular flight stack for "common things"

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