Question about mavlink logs and I noticed 2 bugs in the mavlink-devguide html files

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Strauss, Randy (ARC-AF)[KBR Wyle Services, LLC]

Mar 22, 2021, 2:43:57 PM3/22/21

I have a question about mavlink logs

and I noticed 2 bugs in the mavlink-devguide html files

I have 100 mavlink log files, as csv, to parse.
The lines look like:

2018-12-07T09:55:22.104,FE, 4, 0, 0, D,FF,BE,    33,mavlink_mission_request_int_t,seq,2,target_system,1,target_component,1,mission_type,0,,sig ,Len,12

date/time, code1=FE, code2=4, code3=0, code4=0,

code5=D, code6=FF, code7=BE, code8=33, and then messageType followed by name/value pairs.

The documentation seems to refer to the last field, messageType + parameters

QUESTION:  Can anyone tell me what the other 8 columns are- the ones I've labeled code1..code8?

Hints:  Each code is 0..FF,

For codes 1,3,4,6,7, most of the lines have one of the 3 sets of values:

95.26% - 9174654/9631243 times: FE, 0, 0, 1, 1

  1.72% -  165681/9631243 times: FE, 0, 0,33,44

  2.23% -  214522/9631243 times: FE, 0, 0,FF,BE

code2 is 37 values in 1..3C

code5 contains all values 0..FF

code8 is 63 values
The only difference I see are the times and the code5=E5 column changes - not in any order I've been able to discern, but every hex number from 0..FF is represented.

I noticed some of the links are a bit buggy in:  /en/messages/_html/common.html

Bug1:   There are a lot of links to "#MAV_CMD" from parameters, but this doesn't exist in the document.

instead, the destination is "#mav_commands".
This latter appears 163 times, mostly in the 155 commands to point back to the start of commands.
(This could be fixed by adding <a name="MAV_CMD"> just before the h2 with id="mav_commands…)

Bug2: Each type is in 2 lines of the form

<h3 id="XXX">XXX (<a href="#XXX">NUMBER</a>

(with the closing paren on the next line)

Probably it should be:

<h3 id="XXX">XXX (<a name="#NUMBER ">NUMBER</a>

so one can jump to the name OR the number (using a link filename#NUMBER)

or better:

<h3 id="XXX">XXX (<a name="#c519">519</a>

so the link namespace of the commands will be distinct from the messages (which could be prefaced with an 'm')


I am not compiling or running the code, so didn't investigate the doc-producing code…


Randy Strauss

Software Engr, SWS/UAM/UTM, NASA Ames Research Center



Mar 23, 2021, 7:27:49 AM3/23/21
to MAVLink
Check for code 1-8. They are the mavlink packet header

Hamish Willee

Mar 23, 2021, 9:00:18 PM3/23/21
to MAVLink
Thanks Randy,
I've patched "Bug 1" such that there will be a #MAV_CMD anchor in the same location as mav_command. 

The other "bugs" count as enhancements/"nice to have". If you really need these then could you please add these as issues in

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