Download a JMeter plugin not in a maven repository

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Vincent Daburon

Jan 24, 2023, 11:47:15 AM1/24/23
to Maven JMeter Plugin Users
I declared JMeter plugins in the configuration pom.xml likes :
<!--  plugins jmeter declared in a mave, repo -->
But it 's possible to add a plugin not in a maven repo but in a github release link
e.g :

Extract from jmeter-plugins/various.json at master · undera/jmeter-plugins · GitHub

"id": "tilln-junit",

"name": "JUnit Reporter",

"description": "Generates CI/CD-compatible JUnit Reports in XML format based on custom KPIs: Comparing aggregate metrics with threshold values determines pass/fail.<br />Supports filtering of sample labels by regular expressions.<br />Supported aggregates:<ul><li>Response time percentiles (any)</li><li>Maximum and minimum response time</li><li>Response time average and standard deviation</li><li>Sample error rate</li><li>Total number of samples</li><li>Custom metrics</li></ul>",

"screenshotUrl": "",

"helpUrl": "",

"vendor": "Till Neunast",

"markerClass": "",

"componentClasses": [



"versions": {

"1.0": {

"downloadUrl": ""


"1.1": {

"changes": "Bug fixes",

"downloadUrl": ""




Vincent DAB.

Vincent Daburon

Jan 26, 2023, 3:31:55 AM1/26/23
to Maven JMeter Plugin Users
It's a question :
But it 's possible to add a plugin not in a maven repo but in a github release link  ?
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