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alien abductsion

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lexie marx

Apr 5, 1998, 4:00:00 AM4/5/98
hi my name is eugene mc namee i am from co.tyrone n.ireland and i was abducted by alien's last night i am telling you all this because i have to tell some one. it was after 4.40am GMT i dont realy remember being takeing. but i do remember being brot back  i came in from the back door  i went in to the living room {thats were i sleep} i tried to put the light on but i was  working i look around and saw one of them i got secard i ran. but i ran in to the wall and fell on the floor and one of them lend over me i look in his eye's they were huge i heard him talk but could not under stand him his words sound strang. he had only three fingers. i was shouting for help but no one could hear me.     then i woke up and i was still shouting for help head was like pins 
i am 100% sure that it realy hapend         i just had to tell you  this and hope some one will belive me .........
eugene mc namee  

lexie marx

Apr 5, 1998, 4:00:00 AM4/5/98

lexie marx

Apr 5, 1998, 4:00:00 AM4/5/98

lexie marx

Apr 5, 1998, 4:00:00 AM4/5/98

lexie marx

Apr 5, 1998, 4:00:00 AM4/5/98

lexie marx

Apr 5, 1998, 4:00:00 AM4/5/98

eugene mc namee

Apr 5, 1998, 4:00:00 AM4/5/98

eugene mc namee

Apr 5, 1998, 4:00:00 AM4/5/98

eugene mc namee

Apr 5, 1998, 4:00:00 AM4/5/98

Dougie McKinnon

Apr 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/6/98

lexie marx wrote:
> hi my name is eugene mc namee i am from co.tyrone n.ireland and i was abducted by alien's last night i am telling you all this because i have
to tell some one.
> i am 100% sure that it realy hapend i just had to tell you this and hope some one will belive me .........

Does this have anything to do with the fact that there was a TV programme
on Channel 5 last night on alien abduction? This was part of a "Sci-Fi
Night" and had been regularly previewed.


Apr 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/7/98

did you all just hear what NASA is saying now? they say that the face on
mars isn't there any more! I don't believe them. their lying. the public
deserves to know the truth!
Emma [-: alien abductie
They're out there, somewhere.

Dougie McKinnon <weedougie@***> wrote in article

Dougie McKinnon

Apr 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/7/98

Kit wrote:
> did you all just hear what NASA is saying now? they say that the face on
> mars isn't there any more! I don't believe them. their lying. the public
> deserves to know the truth!

Ok. There's a geographical feature on Mars that, viewed at some angles
and with the light from the sun shining in a particular way, looks like a
face. It's all extremey mundane stuff.

Howard Beale

Apr 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/7/98

Your grasp of reality would have have made you an exellent negotiator in
the N.I. 'peace process'.

lexie marx <> wrote in article

> hi my name is eugene mc namee i am from co.tyrone n.ireland and i was
> abducted by alien's last night i am telling you all this because i have
> tell some one. it was after 4.40am GMT i dont realy remember being
> but i do remember being brot back i came in from the back door i went
> to the living room {thats were i sleep} i tried to put the light on but i
> was working i look around and saw one of them i got secard i ran. but i
> in to the wall and fell on the floor and one of them lend over me i look
> his eye's they were huge i heard him talk but could not under stand him
> words sound strang. he had only three fingers. i was shouting for help
> no one could hear me. then i woke up and i was still shouting for
> head was like pins
> i am 100% sure that it realy hapend i just had to tell you this
> hope some one will belive me .........
> eugene mc namee

Larry and Patti

Apr 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/7/98

Not mundane to all the Elvis spotters in the world. LOOK! Over there,
isn't that him? Yes, yes it is.....


Gravis Mushnik

Apr 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/7/98

"Kit" <> wrote:

>did you all just hear what NASA is saying now? they say that the face on
>mars isn't there any more! I don't believe them. their lying. the public
>deserves to know the truth!

> Emma [-: alien abductie

Yep heard it What might I ask is the "truth"? That aliens lasered
the face to hide it?,or maybe those sneeky NASA scientists(who could
have gained millions in funding) "manipulated" the pics? Time comes to
grow up and admitwhen you are WRONG. There's no face on Mars.OH and if
not mistaken the public now KNOWS the "truth".

Brian Haddow

Apr 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/7/98

What I can't understand is, why is there a need to cover up the
existance of another life form.

hi! my name is:

Apr 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/7/98

I sat anxiously awaiting the JPL/NASA newsconference that would have been
in order, by those at NASA anxious to prove the face a mirage.....
I turned on our Cablelearn access channel, which carries NASA TV feed
whenever there is an event happening, and the message onscreen for
30 mins was: "Up-next: new MGS photos of Cydonia region".....
then abruptly, a UW physics lecture came on....and not a word the rest
of the afternoon. im no conspiracy buff, but i can see why some might
follow that route...and IF this story about them releasing low-res
NEGATIVES of the face is true, (and it looks to be)...

Frank Schnabel

Apr 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/7/98

Kit wrote in message <01bd61c4$c440b060$>...

>did you all just hear what NASA is saying now? they say that the face on
>mars isn't there any more! I don't believe them. their lying. the public
>deserves to know the truth!

Give it up. The face ain't there. Its just a bunch of rocks.

Mark Shippey

Apr 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/8/98

Brian Haddow ( wrote:
: What I can't understand is, why is there a need to cover up the

: existance of another life form.

Holy shit! You will open up the UFOlogy Pandora's Box with a
statement like this! Their entire Conspiracy theory revolves
around the concept that there is a need to keep all that is
known about the Horrible Truth secret because the world cannot
handle this information. This is the Sacred Truth Of UFOlogy.
Also this is all kept secret so that corporate Cabals can profit
from alien technology that only THEY have.
Without this, their Conspiracy falls apart.
And here you go asking a logical question.
Shame on you.

A Williams

Apr 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/8/98

In article <01bd61c4$c440b060$>, says...

> did you all just hear what NASA is saying now? they say that the face on
> mars isn't there any more! I don't believe them. their lying. the public
> deserves to know the truth!
> Emma [-: alien abductie
> --
OK, lets go to plan B. Do you notice how that "hill" still appears to be
an artificial construction. Kind a like a domed fortress raised on a
base. The deep gouges, which contributed to the shadow effect which
produced the face in the Viking pictures are quite clearly the result of
blast damage. This is the first clue to how the former civilisation on
Mars perished. But where did the survivors go? Quite likely they came
here...Are you beginning to geddit?

Steve Storm

Apr 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/8/98

Brian Haddow wrote:
> Gravis Mushnik wrote:
> >
> > "Kit" <> wrote:
> >
> > >did you all just hear what NASA is saying now? they say that the face on
> > >mars isn't there any more! I don't believe them. their lying. the public
> > >deserves to know the truth!
> > > Emma [-: alien abductie
> >
> > Yep heard it What might I ask is the "truth"? That aliens lasered
> > the face to hide it?,or maybe those sneeky NASA scientists(who could
> > have gained millions in funding) "manipulated" the pics? Time comes to
> > grow up and admitwhen you are WRONG. There's no face on Mars.OH and if
> > not mistaken the public now KNOWS the "truth".
> What I can't understand is, why the hell is there a need to cover up the
> existance of other life.

Because you kooks still wouldn't buy it. An alien could bite you on
your ass and somehow, you could explain it away as to why there's still
some massive gov't cover-up. The soap opera and the stories would still
have to go on. What? You mean some aliens proclaim everything to be at
peace; Americans don't call themselves Americans; Canadians don't call
themselves Candians; we're just Humans man!, and now everything in the
world will be harmonious and all is better? Yeah, right. This whole
cover-up alien crap is just a way for some of you people to justify
buying some $1000 camcorder(that's ALWAYS fuzzy when recording the
supposed ALIEN "UFO's" no less) and taking a vacation out to the
burgeoning capitalist city known as Roswell. Show me some person out
there NOT profiting from this stuff.

Tom Ray

Apr 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/9/98

Gravis Mushnik <> wrote in article

> "Kit" <> wrote:
> >did you all just hear what NASA is saying now? they say that the face
> >mars isn't there any more! I don't believe them. their lying. the
> >deserves to know the truth!
> > Emma [-: alien abductie
> Yep heard it What might I ask is the "truth"? That aliens lasered
> the face to hide it?,or maybe those sneeky NASA scientists(who could
> have gained millions in funding) "manipulated" the pics? Time comes to
> grow up and admitwhen you are WRONG. There's no face on Mars.OH and if
> not mistaken the public now KNOWS the "truth".

Instead of arguing about it there IS a way to tell if the new image has
been altered
Those of you with some of the more sophisicated image manipulating software
could try adjusting the contrast, range and density on a copy of the image.
At certian settings, an altered image will show definite "blobs" of
grey of an oddly smooth or different texture than that of the surrounding
background. Those of you who used the "airbrush" tools in their own work
will know what I am talking about. One can make "seamless" changes only
with a great amount of difficulty. even when the result appears perfect,
the alteration may appear obvious when the contrast or density of the image
is adjusted.
Will someone out there play around with the image and tell us what you

Tom Ray

Apr 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/10/98

A Williams <> wrote in article

> In article <01bd61c4$c440b060$>,
> says...

> > did you all just hear what NASA is saying now? they say that the face
> > mars isn't there any more! I don't believe them. their lying. the
> > deserves to know the truth!
> > Emma [-: alien abductie

> > --
> OK, lets go to plan B. Do you notice how that "hill" still appears to be
> an artificial construction. Kind a like a domed fortress raised on a
> base. The deep gouges, which contributed to the shadow effect which
> produced the face in the Viking pictures are quite clearly the result of
> blast damage. This is the first clue to how the former civilisation on
> Mars perished. But where did the survivors go? Quite likely they came
> here...Are you beginning to geddit?

That humans may have Martian roots would explain several things. 1--Why
humans have a 25 hour circadian cycle (natural activity/sleep cycle)--as
the day on Mars is 25 hours.
2.Why humans are physically weaker for their size as compaired to
terrestial animals--less strength needed in Mar's lower gravity
3. The legends of many cultures stating man was made from " red dust or
clay" or was from The "red earth"
There are a few other things also but these are the ones that come to mind
at this writing.

Gravis Mushnik

Apr 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/10/98

>hat humans may have Martian roots would explain several things. 1--Why
>humans have a 25 hour circadian cycle (natural activity/sleep cycle)--as
>the day on Mars is 25 hours.
> 2.Why humans are physically weaker for their size as compaired to
>terrestial animals--less strength needed in Mar's lower gravity
> 3. The legends of many cultures stating man was made from " red dust or
>clay" or was from The "red earth"
> There are a few other things also but these are the ones that come to mind
>at this writing.

Ah,I see you forgot
#4 many folks names are Martin!! MARTIAN! Hmmmmmm curiouser and
curiouser said the Cheshire cat
#5 The "martians" must have originally landed in North america! RED
man=native americans or maybe Communist Russia ....reds ......hmmmmm
#6 quarters are 25 cent pieces ah ha! the 25 hr martian circadian
#7 the Pyramids of Egypt if turned upside down and smashed with an
earth mover may ACTUALLY be verrrry similar to the "pyramids" on the
Cydonia plane.
#8 If Hoagland can contiune convincing folks of some sneaky plot by
those damned NASA communists he can still make a bundle of money!!!
#9 Sasquatch IN REALITY is actually an escapee from a Martian "ship"
and has fooled folks for years! Hey ,Missing link between the
original Martians and us ???

Hmmmm it DOES make ya wonder.

Doug Berry

Apr 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/11/98

On 10 Apr 1998 13:55:37 GMT, "Tom Ray" <> wrote:

>That humans may have Martian roots would explain several things.

1--Why humans have a 25 hour circadian cycle (natural
activity/sleep cycle)--as the day on Mars is 25 hours.

The day on Mars is 24hrs, 37 minutes. The Day on Earth is 23hrs,
57 minutes. Many animals have circadian rhythms that don't match
the spin exactly. Are they all from outer space?

> 2.Why humans are physically weaker for their size as compaired to
>terrestial animals--less strength needed in Mar's lower gravity

Explain this. We are not weaker than comparatively sized
animals. We are, for example, the only primate that can run for
miles. We suck at climbing compared to a chimp or gorilla, but
that's evolution.

> 3. The legends of many cultures stating man was made from " red dust or
>clay" or was from The "red earth"

Ever been to East Africa? The clay there is a lovely dusky red.
As it is in China, parts of the Americas, and a few other places
with Iron-rich soil.

Douglas E. Berry

Proud Hooker since 1995.

Apr 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/12/98
to (Doug Berry) wrote:

>On 10 Apr 1998 13:55:37 GMT, "Tom Ray" <> wrote:
>>That humans may have Martian roots would explain several things.
>1--Why humans have a 25 hour circadian cycle (natural
>activity/sleep cycle)--as the day on Mars is 25 hours.
>The day on Mars is 24hrs, 37 minutes. The Day on Earth is 23hrs,
>57 minutes. Many animals have circadian rhythms that don't match
>the spin exactly. Are they all from outer space?

Damn! Why did you ask that question?

Now we'll have to hear about canaries from Beetlejuice!

Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes,
our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot
alter the state of facts and evidence.

David & Christi

Apr 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/12/98

Am I the only one seeing the joke potential in the subject line? Acne?


Lee Merkel

Apr 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/13/98

Frank Schnabel wrote:

> Give it up. The face ain't there. Its just a bunch of rocks.

C'mon Frank, don't stop with your belief in NASA.
Tell us all about that big bridge in Brooklyn you bought yesterday!


Lee Merkel
"I experienced missing time in 1982 shortly after making a
decision or postulate to dissolve the physical universe. In
short order, I ended up on Long Island."
-- Peter Moon, "Encounter in the Pleiades," page 191.

Ken Dees

Apr 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/13/98

go to and see why the government wanted
to cover this whole thing up.

Doug Berry

Apr 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/13/98

On Mon, 13 Apr 1998 02:19:13 -0400, Lee Merkel
<> wrote:

>Frank Schnabel wrote:
>> Give it up. The face ain't there. Its just a bunch of rocks.
> C'mon Frank, don't stop with your belief in NASA.
> Tell us all about that big bridge in Brooklyn you bought yesterday!

Ah, spring. The flowers a blooming, the birds sing, and
non-sequiters abound.

Please, oh please, explain the connection between being swindled
into buying a rather large piece of public works, and not
believing that the Cydonia face is artificial.

I would say that it's Hoagland's followers who have "bought the
bridge" on this one.

Jerry Bryson

Apr 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/13/98

Tom Ray <> wrote:

> That humans may have Martian roots would explain several things. 1--Why
> humans have a 25 hour circadian cycle (natural activity/sleep cycle)--as
> the day on Mars is 25 hours.

With a 24-hour cycle you would wake up on week-ends at the same time as
work days. Bummer. The 25-hour cycle lets us adjust to different
schedules. With a 24-hour cycle, jet lag would not go away for weeks.

> 2.Why humans are physically weaker for their size as compaired to
> terrestial animals--less strength needed in Mar's lower gravity

We're also smarter, so don't need the extra strength.

> 3. The legends of many cultures stating man was made from " red dust or
> clay" or was from The "red earth"

Right. Common dirt.

> There are a few other things also but these are the ones that come to mind
> at this writing.

Don't forget the DNA puts us squarely into this planet's biosphere

Failure doesn't mean you can't;
It just means you haven't

Jerry Bryson

Apr 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/13/98

Love Lies Squealing <> wrote:

> >Damn! Why did you ask that question?
> >
> >Now we'll have to hear about canaries from Beetlejuice!

> You're phonetically spelling again, dude.

Right, then they bring in religion. Big bugs wearing yamikas(sp) and
telling us they're Beetle Jews.


Apr 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/13/98

Very Interesting

Doug Berry wrote:

> On 10 Apr 1998 13:55:37 GMT, "Tom Ray" <> wrote:
> >That humans may have Martian roots would explain several things.
> 1--Why humans have a 25 hour circadian cycle (natural
> activity/sleep cycle)--as the day on Mars is 25 hours.

> The day on Mars is 24hrs, 37 minutes. The Day on Earth is 23hrs,
> 57 minutes. Many animals have circadian rhythms that don't match
> the spin exactly. Are they all from outer space?

> > 2.Why humans are physically weaker for their size as compaired to
> >terrestial animals--less strength needed in Mar's lower gravity

> Explain this. We are not weaker than comparatively sized
> animals. We are, for example, the only primate that can run for
> miles. We suck at climbing compared to a chimp or gorilla, but
> that's evolution.

> > 3. The legends of many cultures stating man was made from " red dust
> or
> >clay" or was from The "red earth"

> Ever been to East Africa? The clay there is a lovely dusky red.
> As it is in China, parts of the Americas, and a few other places
> with Iron-rich soil.

Apr 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/13/98
to (Love Lies Squealing) wrote:

>On Sun, 12 Apr 1998 16:01:30 GMT, wrote:

>> (Doug Berry) wrote:
>>>On 10 Apr 1998 13:55:37 GMT, "Tom Ray" <> wrote:
>>>>That humans may have Martian roots would explain several things.
>>>1--Why humans have a 25 hour circadian cycle (natural
>>>activity/sleep cycle)--as the day on Mars is 25 hours.
>>>The day on Mars is 24hrs, 37 minutes. The Day on Earth is 23hrs,
>>>57 minutes. Many animals have circadian rhythms that don't match
>>>the spin exactly. Are they all from outer space?

>>Damn! Why did you ask that question?
>>Now we'll have to hear about canaries from Beetlejuice!
>You're phonetically spelling again, dude.


Hey, I is a 53 year-old dude!


Apr 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/14/98

David & Christi wrote:
> Am I the only one seeing the joke potential
> in the subject line? Acne? Makeup?

We all did. We were just waiting to see who was
going to be the first dope to mention it.

(I burned you! Hee hee!)

*The* Didaskalos

Apr 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/14/98
to (Doug Berry) wrote to and alt.ufo.reports:

== On 10 Apr 1998 13:55:37 GMT, "Tom Ray" <> wrote:
== >That humans may have Martian roots would explain several things.

It might explain why people believe this crap.


Ye shall know the truth -- *The* Didaskalos


Frank Schnabel

Apr 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/14/98

Doug Berry wrote in message <>...

>On Mon, 13 Apr 1998 02:19:13 -0400, Lee Merkel
><> wrote:
>>Frank Schnabel wrote:
>>> Give it up. The face ain't there. Its just a bunch of rocks.
>> C'mon Frank, don't stop with your belief in NASA.
>> Tell us all about that big bridge in Brooklyn you bought yesterday!
>Ah, spring. The flowers a blooming, the birds sing, and
>non-sequiters abound.
>Please, oh please, explain the connection between being swindled
>into buying a rather large piece of public works, and not
>believing that the Cydonia face is artificial.
>I would say that it's Hoagland's followers who have "bought the
>bridge" on this one.

Speaking of Dickie, have you been to his website lately; seen the straws to
which he is griping?

Joe L.

Apr 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/14/98

> >I would say that it's Hoagland's followers who have "bought the
> >bridge" on this one.
> Speaking of Dickie, have you been to his website lately; seen the straws to
> which he is griping?

Give Art Bell and Dickie Hoagland a break. They've had a bad couple of
weeks. They've had to do a lot of back-filling and wiping egg off their
I just might tune into that baloney merchant, Art Bell, 'cause he's
having that whiner
Dickie Hoagland on. It'll be good to laugh myself to sleep listening to
his NASA conspiracy carp (sic).

Terra firma Joe

Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you mad. A. Huxley

David & Christi

Apr 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/14/98

I'm the fiiiiirst doooope! I'm the fiiiiirst doooope! Yippeeeee! So,
what, do I get a Burger King crown or something to wear now? :)


Mark Shippey

Apr 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/15/98

David & Christi ( wrote:

I have an even worse one David....
NASA just gave the face on Mars a "makeover".
If you get a Burger King crown, I may have to wear a Jack in
The Box mask.
By the way, have any of you heard that Jack from Jack in the
Box may be running againg for President. Back Jack.

Frank Schnabel

Apr 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/15/98

Joe L. wrote in message <>...

>I just might tune into that baloney merchant, Art Bell, 'cause he's
>having that whiner
>Dickie Hoagland on. It'll be good to laugh myself to sleep listening to
>his NASA conspiracy carp (sic).

Really? When? I'd kinda like to hear some of his senseless prattling.


Apr 16, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/16/98

Frank Schnabel wrote in message <6gg4g8$if4$>...

>Kit wrote in message <01bd61c4$c440b060$>...

>>did you all just hear what NASA is saying now? they say that the face on
>>mars isn't there any more! I don't believe them. their lying. the
>>deserves to know the truth!

>Give it up. The face ain't there. Its just a bunch of rocks.

NASA did not "lie". Nor did they say anything "untruthful".
This is a scientific discovery, and science is about finding answers to
questions. This was a question and now it "may" be answered.

NASA never declared the face on mars to be of artificial origin. It was only
a hypothesis - not a conclusion.

Apr 16, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/16/98
Recently I heard somewhere in one of the mars discussions,that UFO
researcher Stanton Freidman, possibly along with some other people,
brought a lawsuit to force the governments hand to reveal what they knew
about ufo's and the judge agreed, and the nsa I think it was,said ok but
we need to talk to you first about it privately and then the judge
reversed himself and said yes it is a threat to national security.
Something along those lines anyway, well my point is IF that is true and
I imagine it shouldn't be too hard to find out?,then of course the
government wouldn't let out information that would reveal
extraterrestrial life, even if only in the past. David

Jerry Bryson

Apr 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/17/98

Marty Fouts <> wrote:

> You see, this highlights a big problem that the government has with
> the believers. It is not possible to _prove_ that documents _don't_
> exist, so there is no way the government can convince the believers
> they don't.
> That's the problem with being accused of a cover-up when there's
> nothing to cover up. Since there's nothing there, there is no way to
> show you haven't covered it up.

The government can make a convicing case that they have a strong motive
to reval anything they have, as is would motvate more funding. Or
conversely, the govt. has no reason to conceal information.

Apr 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/17/98
to wrote:


>Recently I heard somewhere in one of the mars discussions,that UFO
>researcher Stanton Freidman, possibly along with some other people,
>brought a lawsuit to force the governments hand to reveal what they knew
>about ufo's and the judge agreed, and the nsa I think it was,said ok but
>we need to talk to you first about it privately and then the judge
>reversed himself and said yes it is a threat to national security.

Boy are you lost!

Friedman never did any of this at all. If Friedman is
claiming he was involved in this in any way whatsoever, he
is lying.

But then he also lied when he claimed that the AF had
consistently changed their story.

Friedman just shows the NSA blacked out portions of the FOIA
papers that Barry Greenwood of CAUS (Prior to Gersten's
taking over the organization) got released. Friedman had
nothing to do with the lawsuits with the NSA or the CIA.
Barry Greenwood is the hero of that effort.

Further, Friedman makes a big to do out of it at the same
time he knows that he is lying and that these are of no real
interest to UFOlogists.

For instance, Barry Greenwood of CAUS took the NSA to court
and a federal judge looked at the documents and agreed with
NSA that they were legitimately classified because of

Not because of UFO content!

Moreover, Tom Deuley worked at NSA for 4 years in the
mid-70s. In late June 1987, He presented a paper at a MUFON
conference entitled "Four years at NSA - NO UFOs." When he
went to work at NSA, he told them outright that he was
interested in the subject of UFOs and that he was going to
the MUFON conference. He met with some officials of NSA and
according to him he didn't "get any feeling that they even
cared about UFOs."

In fact, because of his stated interest in UFOs, NSA
selected him to review its UFO-related material. "I believe
I saw or held copies of the large majority of documents
withheld in that FOIA suit. Though there may have been
exceptions among the documents that I did not see, none of
the documents I was aware of had any information of
scientific value."

"The documents ... are not worth the effort, in terms of
forwarding the effort of UFO research."

"I concluded that UFOs do not have any importance at NSA."

Tom Deuley became an official in two UFO organizations,

>Something along those lines anyway, well my point is IF that is true and
>I imagine it shouldn't be too hard to find out?,then of course the
>government wouldn't let out information that would reveal
>extraterrestrial life, even if only in the past.

Unfortunately, it isn't true.

Does Friedman still hold up the blacked out pages or has he
finally dropped it because NSA released the documents with
only minor areas now blacked out showing stuff that they
still don't want the Russians to know?

You can go and read all of these documents for yourself. It
isn't worth the time, however, as they are of no real
interest to UFOlogists, just like Tom Deuley said.

But Barry Greenwood deserves the credit for forcing the NSA
to become more open. Not Friedman!

M. Apostol

Apr 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/17/98

You speak total nonsense. Another misinformed person on this forum,
surprise, surprise.

Hope you can someday get your facts straight.

Apr 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/17/98

I received the following email from a knowlegeable source.

(Begin quote)
Barry Greenwood did NOT take
CIA and NSA to court.  The suit against the CIA was started
by Ground Saucer Watch (GSW).  The suit against the NSA was
done by CAUS, by Todd Zechel, Brad Sparks, and Peter

Firedman had nothing to do with either suit. 

I don't know who requested the Top Secret/Umbra NSA

(End quote)

So I gave a little too much credit to Barry, who has done
excellent work in the UFO field.

Now my email contact will complain that I wasn't tough
enough on Friedman!


Apr 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/19/98

...and we all know the government doesn't lie... Ask any native

Apr 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/19/98
to (Love Lies Squealing) wrote:

>On Mon, 13 Apr 1998 21:17:28 GMT, wrote:

>>>>Damn! Why did you ask that question?
>>>>Now we'll have to hear about canaries from Beetlejuice!
>>>You're phonetically spelling again, dude.
>>Hey, I is a 53 year-old dude!

>You're never too old to pretend to surf. Excellent excuse for wearing
>unfeasible shorts.

I have excellent gams!

Jerry Bryson

Apr 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/20/98

FreekDawg <> wrote:

> ...and we all know the government doesn't lie... Ask any native
> american.

It means there isn't enough evidence of ET to make a plausible case to
spend money chasing them. They tried it with the South Pole Rock and
all they got was shrugs.

Apr 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/20/98
to (Love Lies Squealing) wrote:

>On Sun, 19 Apr 1998 15:42:25 GMT, wrote:
>> (Love Lies Squealing) wrote:
>>>On Mon, 13 Apr 1998 21:17:28 GMT, wrote:
>>>>>>Damn! Why did you ask that question?
>>>>>>Now we'll have to hear about canaries from Beetlejuice!
>>>>>You're phonetically spelling again, dude.
>>>>Hey, I is a 53 year-old dude!
>>>You're never too old to pretend to surf. Excellent excuse for wearing
>>>unfeasible shorts.
>>I have excellent gams!

>Can you provide pictures with the correct pixel count? I'm not actually
>interested in pictures, just your ability to prove this assertation...
I could but NASA altered the photos.


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