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possible Jewelry SIG Creation

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Peter Menningen

Oct 9, 2019, 7:37:20 PM10/9/19
to MauiMakers
Since the end of the Jewelry Class there has been discussions on forming a Jewelry SIG (special interest group)

How a SIG works is:
  • A group of Maui Makers members of any level get together and create the activity and  set it's time and date (from available times)
  • Two members of the SIG need to be advanced members to make sure the facility is open for the meetings
    • One to set activity for meeting and one to take care of the space
    • They can alternate the roles and can designate any SIG member to be a one meeting activity lead.
  • A SIG can invite a guest speaker, instructor as long as they can cover any costs involved in the group.
  • If non members are present  the advanced member that takes care of the space is responsible for collecting any guest fees (per policy) and having any paperwork filled out.
    • The Secretary and Treasurer will instruct on proper procedure in this regards
  • There were two members who had some experience in some of the skills for metal craft  and they may be willing to share their knowledge with the rest.
  • A SIG is a way of formally sharing knowledge and experience as well as experimenting in creative methods around a subject
  • Maui Makers and some of its members have a large collection of tools for jewelry making and this is a low risk method to share them with control
Contact Paul Sable if interested through

Peter Menningen

Nov 5, 2019, 7:15:06 PM11/5/19
to MauiMakers
First meeting this afternoon around 3 PM

Buck Joiner

Nov 5, 2019, 10:54:34 PM11/5/19
45 minutes notice is not likely to get much of a response.


On Tue, Nov 5, 2019 at 2:15 PM Peter Menningen <> wrote:
First meeting this afternoon around 3 PM

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