Invitation to Join a new Meetup Group (Non Maui Makers)

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Peter Menningen

Jun 5, 2021, 6:24:26 PM6/5/21
to MauiMakers
I am starting a new exploratory meet-up group. It is to see if there is any interest in forming a group that deals with the hobby side of making.  The maker space seems to have been purposed to making larger wood and metal projects by semi professionals.  This has lead to a vacuum in the electronics, small model, and  small project space.
If there is going to be any actual physical activities that arise from this meetup they will be at my space  Maui's Work Shop LLC, where my collection of tools reside for the most part.

The meetup group will host meetings on line with ZOOM.  

Here is the link if you are interested: 

Mahalo Pete M
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