Twenty-third International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics (IWMS)

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Odalric-Ambrym Maillard

Mar 27, 2014, 6:43:56 AM3/27/14
The Twenty-third International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics (IWMS) will be held at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 8 - 12, 2014.
The main theme of the workshop will be the interplay between matrices and statistics. IWMS will be organized in conjuction with 7th Linear Algebra Workshop (LAW'14) that will start on June 4.

The lectures will start on Monday, June 9, at 9 a.m., and end on Thursday, June 12, in the afternoon.
There will be an early registration on June 7 in the afternoon. The conference trip is planned for Sunday, June 8.

Invited Speakers:
Fikri Akdeniz, Çağ University, Tarsus-Mersin, Turkey
Chuanzhong Chen, Hainan Normal University, Haikou, Hainan Province, P.R. China
Knut Conradsen, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Lyngby, Denmark
Tugrul Dayar, Bilkent University, Turkey
Abdelhamid Hassairi, Sfax University, Tunisia
Steve Kirkland, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada
Ingram Olkin, Stanford University, USA
George P. H. Styan, McGill University, Canada
Klemen Šivic, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Peter Taylor, University of Melbourne, Australia
Yongge Tian, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, P.R. China
Panos Vasiliou, Aristole University of Thessaloniki, Greece

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