Documents for GeoGebraPlot() and GeGebraPoint()?

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Jun 14, 2011, 11:28:30 AM6/14/11
to mathpiper-user
Hello all.
I cannot find the documents for GeoGebraPlot() and GeoGebraPoint().
When can I find more information about the two functions?
Thank you.

Ted Kosan

Jun 14, 2011, 9:39:24 PM6/14/11
Peter wrote:

>Is there any way to channel through the variables from the %mathpiper
>fold to %geogebra fold? I am looking for like a global variable
>between the folds.
>I am aware of the two(2) functions GeoGebraPoint() and GeoGebraPlot()
>as calling functions inside the %mathpiper fold.

> I cannot find the documents for GeoGebraPlot() and GeoGebraPoint().
> When can I find more information about the two functions?

Support for communications between MathPiper, MathPiperIDE, and
GeoGebra is still experimental and mostly undocumented at this point
in time. I am waiting for GeoGebra 4.0 to be released later this
summer before I start working on the communications between these
three again.

Would you be able to explain in more detail the overall goal you are
trying to achieve?




Jun 15, 2011, 9:55:56 AM6/15/11
to mathpiper-user
Dear Ted,

Thank you for your answer to my questions regarding the GeoGebraPlot()
and GeoGebraPoint(). I understand these two functions be the enough
"channel" between the two program spaces. But, I wanted to find more
information about the "properties" of the functions so that I can
maximally utilize those.

It is really a great program for my application to writing math
teaching materials. I want to create teaching materials with more
graphical and animation-like contents.

Secondly, I have found many interesting Plug-Ins in your MathPiperIDE.
I wanted to look into more about those such as ThreeDXplorMathJ,
LaTexTools and JFreeChart.
(1) I find some documents for the TrheeDXplorMathJ from one of the
menu in the Plug-In.
(2) I do not find for the LaTexTools.
(3) And, the JFreeChart documentation from the is
all for programmers providing Classes. But, I don't program with the
I will greatly appreciate it if you can provide some links for the
documentations other than those.

Thank you again.

Ted Kosan

Jun 16, 2011, 3:20:09 AM6/16/11
Peter wrote:

> Thank you for your answer to my questions regarding the GeoGebraPlot()
> and GeoGebraPoint(). I understand these two functions be the enough
> "channel" between the two program spaces. But, I wanted to find more
> information about the "properties" of the functions so that I can
> maximally utilize those.

I created the GeoGebraPlot() and GeoGebraPoint() functions to
experiment with using the GeoGebra JavaScript interface to allow
MathPiper and GeoGebra to interact with each other:

Here is the source code for GeoGebraPoint():

10 # GeoGebraPoint(name_IsString, x_IsNumber, y_IsNumber) <--

command := PatchString("<?Write(ToAtom(name));?>=(<?Write(x);?>,<?Write(y);?>)");


The 'geogebra' variable contains a reference to GeoGebra's JavaScript
interface and JavaCall() is being used to send a command to GeoGebra
which will place a point in the drawing area.

GeoGebraPoint() and GeoGebraPlot() have not been officially added to
MathPiper yet because I would like to get input from mathematics
teachers first to see if this is a good way for MathPiper to interact
with GeoGebra. I have been waiting until after GeoGebra 4.0 is
officially released to start asking mathematics teachers for ideas
about what MathPiper/GeoGebra interaction should look like. However,
if you are interested in discussing this topic now, I would be more
than happy to do so :-)

> Secondly, I have found many interesting Plug-Ins in your MathPiperIDE.
> I wanted to look into more about those such as ThreeDXplorMathJ,
> LaTexTools and JFreeChart.
> (1) I find some documents for the TrheeDXplorMathJ from one of the
> menu in the Plug-In.
> (2) I do not find for the LaTexTools.
> (3) And, the JFreeChart documentation from the is
> all for programmers providing Classes.

Help on the LaTeX Tools plugin can be found in Help->MathPiperIDE
Help->Plugins->LaTeX Tools.

The ThreeDXplorMathJ plugin is still experimental and no
communications between MathPiper and this plugin have been created

The only functions that currently communicate with the JFreeChart
plugin are BarChart(), CumulativePlot(), Histogram(), LineChart(), and
ScatterPlot() and documentation for these is in the MathPiperDocs
plugin. If you see some JFreeChart charts that you would also like to
have MathPiper support, let me know and we can discuss them.

One thing I should probably explain on the MathPiper website is that
MathPiperIDE is designed to be an experimental test bed for
determining good ways for a CAS to interact with various (mostly
GUI-based) applications. It usually only takes a few hours to create
new plugin so that people can start experimenting with it. However,
the hard part is figuring out good ways for MathPiper to interact with
these plugins.

If you are interested in helping us determine how MathPiper should
interact with various plugins, that would be great!



Jun 16, 2011, 10:03:17 PM6/16/11
to mathpiper-user
With my short experience of using mathpiperIDe, I am careful to say my
thoughts about the "communications channel" between the two. I would
be able to consider that the mathpiper a driver program with powerful
CAS features and the GeoGebra a good matching backend for drawing and
simulations. I guess the mathpiper should have more than just two
ports (i.e., functions) to deliver the as many features to the ggb.
For example, if there were a set of global variables with data-type
conversion feature I guess the mathpiper users will have an additional
dimension of freedom to pass data to the ggb, which enhance much of
users' experience with the two good matching applications.
By now, as you said, we only have two mathpiper functions to the ggb.
As the function names explain, they are just for function drawing and
list-value plotting. But, there are much more than passing the
plotting data that the mathpiper can help the working horse, the ggb.

My guess is that you could have much more data transfers between the
%mathpiper fold and %geogebra fold (at least one way) by utilizing
some sort of global variables within the jEdit.

Again, I do not have enough experience with your mathpiper. I was led
from GeoGebra manual to the mathpiper site. But, I was hopping to find
it something a driving application to the GeoGebra.


Ted Kosan

Jun 17, 2011, 1:51:10 PM6/17/11
Peter wrote:

> Again, I do not have enough experience with your mathpiper. I was led
> from GeoGebra manual to the mathpiper site. But, I was hopping to find
> it something a driving application to the GeoGebra.

Have you looked into using JavaScript to script GeoGebra? GeoGebra 4.0
has a significant amount of JavaScript scripting support and it may
provide what you are looking for.



Jun 18, 2011, 10:11:22 AM6/18/11
to mathpiper-user
I guess I should look more carefully into the JavaScripts for GeoGebra
Thank you.
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