I thought I would experiment with MathMap using the latest Gimp 2.10 appimage available here:
Show hidden files in file manager.
Unzip and copy the whole 'mathmap' folder to /HOME DIR/.config/GIMP-AppImage/2.10/ (edit 'HOME DIR' for your use)
Go into 'plugin' directory and copy the 'mathmap' file to /HOME DIR/.config/GIMP-AppImage/2.10/plug-ins/
(Had to do this because you can't have a folder and a file with the same name in Linux)
Set permissions:
sudo chown user:user -R /HOME DIR/.config/GIMP-AppImage/2.10/mathmap
sudo chmod 775 /HOME DIR/.config/GIMP-AppImage/2.10/plug-ins/mathmap
sudo apt install libgsl23 libgsl-dev libgtksourceview2.0-0 libgif7
accept any dependencies
MathMap is found under Filters > Generic > MathMap and then click MathMap again for animation use.
Zip file is available here:
Ignore the google 'Whoops! message and click 'Download'.