I've been using JAWS 16 to read MathML and Tex equations rendered with MathJax. I've been specifically asked to use JAWS 16 and IE11; I've also used NVDA and WindowsEyes and both have the same, if not worse, issues reading the math in general.
My main issue is that MathML and Tex elements that are displayed inline are not read in a mathematically correct format. For example, b^2 is read as "b-two" instead of "b-squared".
When display block elements are rendered as MathJax, they have the MathJax_Display class. When inline elements are rendered as MathJax, they have the MathJax class only. I cannot figure out what specifically about the MathJax_Display allows JAWS to interpret the math correctly. If I change the class MathJax to MathJax_Display and overwrite the block styles, it reads it "close" to correctly. Please see my examples for more details about my test cases and requirements.
Attached is an example html file that contains test cases and examples of the issues listed above. I have also reached out to FreedomScientific about these issues along with several accessibility forums, but I have not received any information yet.
Thanks in advance for any help or resoruces that you can provide,