Getting math to render inside custom elements (shadow DOM)

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Buster Lundgaard

Jun 25, 2021, 5:54:35 AM6/25/21
to MathJax Users
Hi. Custom elements are a pretty important par of the book i'm writing, but i'm facing difficulty getting math to render at all. 

Take a look at the following code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">

        MathJax = {
          tex: {
            inlineMath: [['_(','_)']],
            displayMath: [['_($', '_)']],
          svg: {
            fontCache: 'global'
    <script id="MathJax-script" async src=""></script>


    Hi! My name's buster. Here's some _(1+2+3_) cool as 
    How's it going.

    <bus-but> Hi there! I am _(3^4_) quite _(\frac{5}{7}_) good! </bus-but>



    class HoverVideo extends HTMLElement {
        constructor() {

            //Create shadow
            var shadow = this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'});

            //Make element
            var theElement = document.createElement('div');
            theElement.setAttribute("id", "coolElement")
   = "background-color: red;"



        connectedCallback() {
            this.shadowRoot.getElementById("coolElement").innerHTML = this.innerHTML;


Here we have a simple customElement that inserts it's contents in a <div> with a red background. I've configured MathJax to use "_(" and "_)" for it's math delimeters, so 
ideally  "3^4" and  " \frac{5}{7}" should render. Instead i get the linked image below. 

I've tried using MathJax tex2svg functionality as well, but even though the docs mention the existance of functions like "MathJax.tex2chtml", when i call from the custom element, the console informs me that the function tex2chtml doesn't exist. This is strange since the customElement *is* aware of the MathJax variable (i can log it and see it's contents). 

Any help is appreciated.
Kind regards Buster 

Davide Cervone

Jun 25, 2021, 7:32:15 AM6/25/21
First, MathJax doesn't run automatically on new content when you change innerHTML; you have to tell it that you have aded new math to the page and ask it to run on that math.  See the documentation at:

for details.

But for custom elements that use ShadowDOM, that means they are in their own DOM, and you have to take that into account as well.  There have been a number of discussions of this in the issue tracker.  See in particular

These give sample code that you may be able to leverage for your own situation.


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