Mathjax rendering issue source:

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akhil joshi

Jul 26, 2023, 7:58:28 AM7/26/23
to MathJax Development

Hi Team,

I am using MathJax to render math equations on the proof. I have been using the source code from the CDN, but this is blocked in Egypt. I have saved the JavaScript code to my local environment, and it is working, but the font size and color do not match the CDN view.

What can we do to fix this? Any suggestions?

Davide Cervone

Jul 31, 2023, 9:05:04 AM7/31/23
There is not enough information in your message to diagnose the problem.

you say you saved the javascript locally, but MathJax need more than one javascript file (it needs fonts and other support files).  Your best bet is to either use npm to install the mathjax@3 package, or download the MathJax distribution from GitHub.  See

for details about how to get a copy of MathJax and host it on your own server.

Alternatively, you could use one of the CDNs that isn't blocked in Egypt.  There is a list of several at

that you can choose from.


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