Fwd: [p2pu-community] PlayMyCode.com

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Maria Droujkova

Dec 20, 2011, 6:11:35 AM12/20/11
to mathgam...@googlegroups.com

Maria Droujkova

Make math your own, to make your own math


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jessy Kate Schingler <je...@jessykate.com>
Date: Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 6:02 PM
To: p2pu-co...@googlegroups.com

this does look like a very cool site!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michael <spar...@gmail.com>
To: fooca...@foo.oreilly.com


I don't often post here, but I know that some (many? most?) foo alumni
with kids in the 8-88 range of are aunts/uncles/etc of kids in that
age range are interested in solutions to the question "how do we get
kids interested in coding?".

To cut a potentially long email very short, I discovered this website
at the weekend: http://www.playmycode.com/ and it deserves *a lot* of

It allows kids to play, modify, inspect, fork, create, and both games
and their assets completely online with zero install. Games are
HTML5/JS based, but written in a simple derivative of Ruby called
Quby. You can embed games in otherwebites, etc, much like kids would
expect. It goes straight to the heart of what kids do in every other
part of their lives - play games, make games and share games.

My daughter (8) said to my son (9 1/2) : "We should tell the school
about this, so we can make our own games in ICT". She forked one of
the games on their website this weekend and made a christmassy version
of it and is naturally very proud of it.

Basically, from a 21st century kids perspective (whether 8 or 88),
it's IMO the logical successor to the micro.

I found it because I was looking for tools to build it. (Was looking
at various javascript implementations of lex/yacc so I could implement
my keywordless ruby/python-esque language in the browser- and found
the inocuous link to it on the js/cc - http://jscc.jmksf.com/ -
website, realising they'd done it for me).

Those curious as to why I think it's important I'll direct to the
bullet list at the end of the first post in this category on my blog:

If you don't think it's of interest to you, please pass it on - I
think it's great:-)

Senior R&D Engineer, BBC R&D - North Lab, Media City UK, Salford.

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