What is meant by MGAL

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Chaitanya Purohit

Feb 8, 2012, 1:37:44 AM2/8/12
to material...@googlegroups.com
Dear All,

We have procured Flat bars of 60 x 40mm size with material specification S355 J2

In the MTC, material specification is S355 J2 + MGAL as per EN10025-2:2004


Can somebody, please clarify the meaning of ‘MGAL’ mentioned in MTC along with Material spec / Grade

C. K. Purohit
+968 92840112

Shashank Vagal

Feb 8, 2012, 7:13:09 AM2/8/12
to material...@googlegroups.com
May be this will help to some extent:

EN10025-2 allows the delivery conditions +M, +N or +AR at the manufacturers discretion.

FYI: None of these delivery conditions has any impact on the mechanical properties / chemical composition as defined in EN10025-2.

Delivery condition +MGAL is not defined in EN10025, it might be an internal manufacturer's code, e.g. +M, capable of forming a zinc layer during hot-dip galvanization.

Marc May | Senior Engineer
ArcelorMittal LCE Luxembourg / Commercial Sections S.A.

Best regards,

Shashank Vagal

--- On Wed, 8/2/12, Chaitanya Purohit <chaitany...@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
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Feb 9, 2012, 7:18:13 AM2/9/12
to Materials & Welding
Hi Prohit

+MGAL is a Megnesium-Aluminium Transparent spinel. Its a new


On Feb 8, 6:37 am, Chaitanya Purohit <chaitanya_puro...@yahoo.co.in>

Shashank Vagal

Feb 17, 2012, 5:17:29 AM2/17/12
to material...@googlegroups.com
Hi Nav,
Please explain how it is connected to:
Flat bars of 60 x 40mm size with material specification  S355 J2?
This spinel you are referring to is a gemstone........?
Please throw some more light on the issue.....

--- On Thu, 9/2/12, Nav <nav...@gmail.com> wrote:
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