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Welding SA 387 Grade 22 Cl.2, a high-strength alloy steel, can lead to issues like cracking if not handled properly. During the welding process:
o Preparation: Preheating to 1500 C or as per specific guidelines or standards is essential to reduce the cooling rate of the weld and minimize
the risk of cracking.
o Welding Procedure: Control the heat input with proper welding parameters Ampere, voltage, and travel speed) to avoid residual stresses.
o Use Interpass Temperature Controls: Monitor the Interpass temperature to 2500 C to prevent overheating of the weld area.
o Welding Technique: Instead of weaving, use stringer beads to reduce heat input and distortion.
o Post-Welding Treatment: Post-heat weld and HAZ areas to 300-350 0 C to release residual Hydrogen.
o Post-Weld Heat Treatment: PWHT to 700°C to 760°C (but specific requirements may vary) to relieve residual stresses that may have been
introduced during welding.
o Slow Cooling: Allow the welded assembly to cool slowly by 50 to 750C (up to 3250C and air cool to room temperature to minimize the risk of
o Welding Environment: Avoid welding in windy (do not use fans) to evade faster cooling during welding and lead to cracking.
o Training and Skill Development: Ensure Proper Training for Welders: Using skilled welders (under proper supervision & Inspection) familiar
with the specific requirements for welding LAHT steels can significantly reduce the risk of defects.
o Filler wire: E 91T5-B3, a basic type of FCAW filler wire, designed to weld LAHT steels can be used in place of E 91 T1-B3 filler wire which is a
rutile version and may have moisture content.
But, why use a FCAW process for a 6 mm thick? You can also weld with an ER91-B3 (Hyundai, Kobe or equivalent brand) which may have less than
3 ppm hydrogen and help to avoid weld cracks. If it is a small job, you can use a GTAW / SMAW process too.
o Repair welding: Follow the above procedure including a DP / MT test(s) after removing all the cracks through grinding and before repair welding.
Hope the above inputs may help to avoid cracks while welding SA 387 Grade 22 Cl.2 material.
C Sridhar.
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Fcaw should be avoid ,and Follow the Post heat after welding , Fcaw not suitable for this Material and thickness range
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