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Re: Guidance required

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Vishwas Keskar

Mar 18, 2023, 5:27:40 AM3/18/23
to P Goswami,
Thanks a lot 

The PFHT  for conditions prescribed in Code is well received.

I am seeking guidance for Monel cladded ,  SS 304 L  base plate..
This (Monel cladding - 6 mm and SS 304L - 18 mm)needs hot forming due to thickness .
In view of operating conditions (Service temperature and Fibre elongation)PFHT is not required .

Hot forming at 1060 Deg C will be carried out for above plate and head will be formed .
Does Monel require some Annealing or not .? and so the composite plate formed Dished end - head 

The Oxygen service  is there at Tube side ( Channel shell and Dish end - head is Monel cladding with SS 304L  as a base plate)
If yes, what will the temperature be ?

that was the query
Thanks once again

Vishwas - IWE

On Fri, Mar 17, 2023 at 6:40 PM P Goswami <> wrote:

Hello Viishwas,


Please see the attached table for guidance on the temperature to be adopted for PWHT. In addition, please refer the clauses indicated with arrows to check the extent of staring in the formed component and consequently if the component would require any PFHT.


I’m posting this in the forum also, so that any additional guidance may be provided by any other knowledgeable person.


Hope this clarifies your doubt.


Best Regards.


Pradip Goswami.P.Eng, IWE.



From: Vishwas Keskar <>
Sent: March 16, 2023 4:11 AM
To: P Goswami <>
Subject: Re: Guidance required



This is an Oxygen  pre heater HEX.

Tube side - Monel tubes and 

Channel ,Dish - Monel 


Process engineer has selected  304L + Monel 400 

Rest  are SS 304L 



On Thu, Mar 16, 2023 at 9:17 AM P Goswami <> wrote:

What’s the service? Why 304L S.S is being overlayed with Monel 400?




Pradip Goswami.P.Eng, IWE.



From: Vishwas Keskar <>
Sent: March 15, 2023 8:08 AM
Subject: Guidance required


Dear Sir

Good afternoon 

I am very thankful to you for the guidance that is being provided to me  for the fabrication/Metallurgy etc. .

  Pl. guide for below .  

,Background - 

SS 304L -18 mm plate is cladded with MONEL 400  by explosion bonding.(6mm)

Ellipsoidal dished end is to be formed (570mm ID).


PFHT by virtue of operating conditions is not envisaged .


Seeking guidance for :

Pl. Suggest  

1)Cold forming or 

2) Hot forming 


Pl. suggest suitable process/any heat treatment with supporting Code/Book reference




Vishwas - IWE


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