Problem with SharpRepository and MT3

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Christos Delivorias

May 28, 2015, 12:24:19 PM5/28/15
Hey guys,

Following up on my Response/Reply architecture, I'm getting a weird error when trying to implement a caching and repository strategy in one of the consumers. The Consumers normally pick up the requests from RMQ and trigger the Consume method which creates the Task for the reply. This works fine for me, but the moment I call the repository: eg. repoFactory.User.GetAll(), I get the following exception from MT3:

ERROR 2015-05-28 17:21:40,503 [20] MassTransit.RabbitMqTransport.RabbitMqSendTransport (null) - Send Fault: rabbitmq://rabbitserver:5672/Quantum/bus-App.Client.Terminal.vshost-hostname-08d2677982696
MassTransit.ConventionException: Whoa, slow down buddy. The message 'MassTransit.Fault<ConsumeContext<App.Gateway.Contract.Request.DataRequest>>' must be marked with the 'Serializable' attribute!
   at MassTransit.Serialization.BinaryMessageSerializer.MassTransit.IMessageSerializer.Serialize[T](Stream stream, SendContext`1 context)
   at MassTransit.RabbitMqTransport.Contexts.RabbitMqSendContextImpl`1.get_Body()
   at MassTransit.RabbitMqTransport.RabbitMqSendTransport.<>c__DisplayClassf`1.<<SendMessage>b__b>d__17.MoveNext()

The problem is that the DataRequest message is actually marked as Serializable; this is why it works in the first place.

Has anyone have experience with SharpRepository and MT3?
If so have you seen this issue, and if so did you figure out what this is?
Chris, Dru if you have any thoughts it would be great.


Chris Patterson

May 28, 2015, 2:24:27 PM5/28/15
I'm not sure what SharpRepository is, but it's unable to send a Fault through the binary serializer for some reason. I'm not actually sure how well the Binary serializer works with MT3, but it seems like something in the consumer is throwing an exception.

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Christos Delivorias

May 28, 2015, 4:09:50 PM5/28/15

This was a good call Chris!


On Thursday, May 28, 2015 at 7:24:27 PM UTC+1, Chris Patterson wrote:
I'm not sure what SharpRepository is, but it's unable to send a Fault through the binary serializer for some reason. I'm not actually sure how well the Binary serializer works with MT3, but it seems like something in the consumer is throwing an exception.

On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 10:24 AM, Christos Delivorias <> wrote:
Hey guys,

Following up on my Response/Reply architecture, I'm getting a weird error when trying to implement a caching and repository strategy in one of the consumers. The Consumers normally pick up the requests from RMQ and trigger the Consume method which creates the Task for the reply. This works fine for me, but the moment I call the repository: eg. repoFactory.User.GetAll(), I get the following exception from MT3:

ERROR 2015-05-28 17:21:40,503 [20] MassTransit.RabbitMqTransport.RabbitMqSendTransport (null) - Send Fault: rabbitmq://rabbitserver:5672/Quantum/bus-App.Client.Terminal.vshost-hostname-08d2677982696
MassTransit.ConventionException: Whoa, slow down buddy. The message 'MassTransit.Fault<ConsumeContext<App.Gateway.Contract.Request.DataRequest>>' must be marked with the 'Serializable' attribute!
   at MassTransit.Serialization.BinaryMessageSerializer.MassTransit.IMessageSerializer.Serialize[T](Stream stream, SendContext`1 context)
   at MassTransit.RabbitMqTransport.Contexts.RabbitMqSendContextImpl`1.get_Body()
   at MassTransit.RabbitMqTransport.RabbitMqSendTransport.<>c__DisplayClassf`1.<<SendMessage>b__b>d__17.MoveNext()

The problem is that the DataRequest message is actually marked as Serializable; this is why it works in the first place.

Has anyone have experience with SharpRepository and MT3?
If so have you seen this issue, and if so did you figure out what this is?
Chris, Dru if you have any thoughts it would be great.


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