Fwd: WEDNESDAY: Defend Veterans Healthcare. Tax Day Rally April 14

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Dan Higgins

Mar 6, 2018, 3:21:34 PM3/6/18
to Lambert, Samantha, amve...@verizon.net, barry brodsky, Bennett, Dianne, Bowen, Kevin, Tackey Chan, Doherty, Patrick, Annette Donahue, Shawn Donahue, occupy new england, Matt Gada, occupy the hood, lb peace institute, Occupy JP, mothers for justice, Tom Kane, John Keenan, lamb, Christa, massoccupy, Dan Mcandrew, hillary moll, Nicole Waybright, occupyquincy, paul....@umb.edu, jewish voice for peace, Rep. Bill Keating, jim rooney, Rooney, Rita, Occupy Salem, peace team, wars, jobs, Wasileski, Eric

---------- Original Message ----------
From: "Cole Harrison, Massachusetts Peace Action" <in...@masspeaceaction.org>
To: de...@comcast.net
Date: March 6, 2018 at 11:32 AM
Subject: WEDNESDAY: Defend Veterans Healthcare. Tax Day Rally April 14


Tax Day Rally - April 14

The attack on and attempt to privatize the VA Health System is one  part of a massive assault on federal programs that are critical to the American people. In addition to the VA, housing, healthcare, education, and research are all in the crosshairs.

The Trump/GOP alliance first cut oligarchs' taxes, then rapidly increased the war budget of their military and national security state, and now they say there is no money -- so we must cut all the programs upon which people depend for a fair chance in life!

Join us for a Tax Day Rally on April 14th! We will assemble at noon on Cambridge Common.

Show your support for the People’s Budget!



Save VA Healthcare

Wednesday, March 7, 6:30 - 8 pm

Dilboy VFW Hall, 371 Summer St, Somerville, MA

While the President prioritizes military spending over critical domestic programs like veteran healthcare, the men and women who faced the horrors of combat come home to find that the country they fought for has forgotten them. Their veteran healthcare system is overburdened by the devastating impact of endless wars and underfunded by the very leaders eagerly pouring tens of billions of increased dollars into weapon systems. 
As a result, there are delays and other problems in addressing the mental and physical needs veterans confront. The pain and costs of treatment escalate when delayed or neglected. Veterans should not be treated as second-class citizens when they have sacrificed so much in obedience to the commands of their country.

On Wednesday, March 7th, Suzanne Gordon, healthcare journalist, patient advocate, and author of The Battle for Veterans Healthcare: Dispatches from the Frontlines of Policy Making and Patient Care will speak on VA challenges, opportunities, and strategies for change. Please join us for this important event! 

This event is sponsored by Veterans for Peace Boston, Chapter 9, Smedley D. Butler Brigade, other veterans' and peace organizations

Cole Harrison

Thank you for standing up for peace and progress!

Cole Harrison
Executive Director




Visit our website to learn more about joining the organization or donating to Massachusetts Peace Action!

We thank you for the financial support that makes this work possible. 

Massachusetts Peace Action, 11 Garden St., Cambridge, MA 02138
617-354-2169  •
in...@masspeaceaction.org • Follow us on Facebook or Twitter

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