Fwd: My new bill:

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Dan Higgins

Aug 16, 2018, 5:37:41 PM8/16/18
to Lambert, Samantha, barry brodsky, Bennett, Dianne, Bowen, Kevin, CINDY BROWN, Carney, Rich, Chinese Progressive Ass., Michelle Ciccolo, Doherty, Patrick, Annette Donahue, Shawn Donahue, occupy new england, megan gregory, Christine Higgins, MaryANNE Higgins, Tom Kane, Mary Ann Higgins, massoccupy, Megan Kilar, hillary moll, Nicole Waybright, occupyquincy, jim rooney, Laura Rooney, Rooney, Rita, Jain Ruvidich-Higgins, Occupy Salem, sama...@veteransforpeace.org, saman...@yahoogroups.com, Mary T Slayter, smedley...@googlegroups.com, peace team, The House of Peace, Margie Del Tufo

Elizabeth Warren for Senate 2018---------- Original Message ----------
From: Elizabeth Warren <in...@elizabethwarren.com>
To: Daniel Higgins <de...@comcast.net>
Date: August 16, 2018 at 3:29 PM
Subject: My new bill:

Elizabeth Warren for Senate 2018


There's something rotten at the core of our economy.

And I've just introduced a new bill to help fix it.

For the past few decades, the wealthy shareholders of giant corporations have gobbled up trillions of dollars in surging profits. But even though workers have been getting more and more productive, their wages have stayed flat.

The rich have gotten richer, and workers aren't getting their fair share.

That's why I've introduced a big new bill, the Accountable Capitalism Act, to get giant corporations to focus more on the interests of their workers – not just their wealthy shareholders.

If you think workers have been getting a raw deal, and if you want to see a solution, join me and become a citizen co-sponsor. This bill is for the people – and the people need to raise their voices to turn it into law.

The Accountable Capitalism Act wouldn't cost taxpayers a penny, but it would do four big things to help un-rig our economy so that it works for workers, not just the wealthy and well-connected.

I'll get wonky for a minute, Daniel – here are the details:

    • Big corporations that make more than $1 billion a year in revenue would need to get new charters from the federal government. Those new charters would make it clear that the companies must consider the interests of their workers – and other people affected by the company – not just shareholders.

    • Workers would elect at least 40% of board members for big corporations – giving them seats at the table when big decisions need to be made.

    • To make sure CEOs are focused on the long-term success of the company, rather than the short-term interests of shareholders, executives at big corporations wouldn't be able to sell company shares for at least five years after receiving them – and for at least three years after a stock buyback.

  • And corporate executives wouldn't be able to use company dollars to make political contributions unless they got approval from 75% of directors and shareholders.

The bill covers a lot of ground. Its scope is wide – to match the scale of the problem we face.

Right now, big corporations work only for their shareholders, which means they focus too much on the needs of the wealthy – because more than 80% of shares are held by the wealthiest top 10% of Americans.

Things weren't always this way. Back in the early 1980s, big corporations directed less than half of their earnings to shareholders. But between 2007 and 2016, that shot up to 93%. That only leaves 7% for everything else – including letting workers share in the success that they've helped make possible, building a new factory and creating more jobs, or investing in the company's next big idea.

The long-term effect on American workers has been devastating: Trillions of dollars in corporate profits have been redirected from the workers who helped produce them.

My bill will help restore balance and level the playing field. Big corporations would need to focus more broadly on what's good for their workers and customers – not just single-mindedly sending as much money to their shareholders as possible.

But this will only get done if we all raise our voices.

Add your name: Sign on as a citizen co-sponsor of the Accountable Capitalism Act and help fix our economy so it works for everybody, not just the rich and powerful.

Thanks for being a part of this,


Elizabeth Warren is running for reelection in 2018, and we're trying to build the strongest grassroots team in history. Will you chip in for the first time and join us?


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Paid for by Elizabeth for MA

All content © 2018 Elizabeth for MA, All Rights Reserved
PO Box 290568, Boston, MA 02129
This email was sent to de...@comcast.net
We’ll miss you, but you can always unsubscribe.


Dan Higgins

Aug 17, 2018, 4:36:16 PM8/17/18
to Terra, massoccupy
does anyone know how to remove a name from this list?
please advise.

> On August 17, 2018 at 2:51 PM Terra <te...@stakeholderinterviews.com> wrote:
> can you send a message to massoccupy asking the admin to UNSUBSCRIBE
> terraf@compuseve? I can't post to the group to do this myself anymore,
> because I can't send any outgoing messages from ter...@compuserve.com
> without agreeing to Verizon/Oath/Compuserve/AOL/Yahoo's outrageous
> no-privacy-policy
> Terra
> This email is private property, not to be correlated/shared or
> machine analyzed without my permission, which I withhold.
> On 8/17/2018 2:32 PM, Dan Higgins wrote:
> > I did not create the mass occupy list and do not know how to do it, sorry
> > On August 17, 2018 at 12:50 PM in...@slowvillage.org wrote:
> >>
> >> Dan, please take ter...@compuserve.com OFF the MassOccupy list?
> >>
> >>
> >> The information in this email is private property. Per my inalienable
> >> rights to privacy, you are prohibited from sharing, machine scanning
> >> and/or correlating the data in this email with any other data without my
> >> express permission, which I withhold. Use of this data without
> >> permission will be prosecuted. [innocent bystanders, this is not meant
> >> for you, but to help ensure you're not inadvertently complicit, please
> >> remove any personally identifying information associated with this email
> >> from your email address book, contact management software/databases,
> >> email lists, etc]
> >>
> >> On 8/16/2018 5:37 PM, Dan Higgins wrote:
> >>>> Elizabeth Warren for Senate 2018---------- Original Message ----------
> >>>> From: Elizabeth Warren <in...@elizabethwarren.com>
> >>>> To: Daniel Higgins <de...@comcast.net>
> >>>> Date: August 16, 2018 at 3:29 PM
> >>>> Subject: My new bill:
> >>>>
> >>>> [Elizabeth Warren for Senate 2018] http://my.elizabethwarren.com/page/m/2852d84c/45876992/2655705/66a5e618/4001364453/VEsH/
> >>>>
> >>>> Daniel,
> >>>>
> >>>> There's something rotten at the core of our economy.
> >>>>
> >>>> And I've just introduced a new bill to help fix it.
> >>>>
> >>>> For the past few decades, the wealthy shareholders of giant corporations have gobbled up trillions of dollars in surging profits. But even though workers have been getting more and more productive, their wages have stayed flat.
> >>>>
> >>>> The rich have gotten richer, and workers aren't getting their fair share.
> >>>>
> >>>> That's why I've introduced a big new bill, the Accountable Capitalism Act, to get giant corporations to focus more on the interests of their workers – not just their wealthy shareholders.
> >>>>
> >>>> If you think workers have been getting a raw deal, and if you want to see a solution, join me and become a citizen co-sponsor. This bill is for the people – and the people need to raise their voices to turn it into law. http://my.elizabethwarren.com/page/m/2852d84c/45876992/2655705/66a5e61b/4001364453/VEsE/p/eyJlM3NnY21WbVkyOWtaU0I5ZlE9PSI6IjIwMTgwODE2ZW0xLWZ1bGwtdDEifQ==/
> >>>>
> >>>> The Accountable Capitalism Act wouldn't cost taxpayers a penny, but it would do four big things to help un-rig our economy so that it works for workers, not just the wealthy and well-connected.
> >>>>
> >>>> I'll get wonky for a minute, Daniel – here are the details:
> >>>>
> >>>> o Big corporations that make more than $1 billion a year in revenue would need to get new charters from the federal government. Those new charters would make it clear that the companies must consider the interests of their workers – and other people affected by the company – not just shareholders.
> >>>>
> >>>> o Workers would elect at least 40% of board members for big corporations – giving them seats at the table when big decisions need to be made.
> >>>>
> >>>> o To make sure CEOs are focused on the long-term success of the company, rather than the short-term interests of shareholders, executives at big corporations wouldn't be able to sell company shares for at least five years after receiving them – and for at least three years after a stock buyback.
> >>>>
> >>>> * And corporate executives wouldn't be able to use company dollars to make political contributions unless they got approval from 75% of directors and shareholders.
> >>>>
> >>>> The bill covers a lot of ground. Its scope is wide – to match the scale of the problem we face.
> >>>>
> >>>> Right now, big corporations work only for their shareholders, which means they focus too much on the needs of the wealthy – because more than 80% of shares are held by the wealthiest top 10% of Americans.
> >>>>
> >>>> Things weren't always this way. Back in the early 1980s, big corporations directed less than half of their earnings to shareholders. But between 2007 and 2016, that shot up to 93%. That only leaves 7% for everything else – including letting workers share in the success that they've helped make possible, building a new factory and creating more jobs, or investing in the company's next big idea.
> >>>>
> >>>> The long-term effect on American workers has been devastating: Trillions of dollars in corporate profits have been redirected from the workers who helped produce them.
> >>>>
> >>>> My bill will help restore balance and level the playing field. Big corporations would need to focus more broadly on what's good for their workers and customers – not just single-mindedly sending as much money to their shareholders as possible.
> >>>>
> >>>> But this will only get done if we all raise our voices.
> >>>>
> >>>> Add your name: Sign on as a citizen co-sponsor of the Accountable Capitalism Act and help fix our economy so it works for everybody, not just the rich and powerful. http://my.elizabethwarren.com/page/m/2852d84c/45876992/2655705/66a5e61b/4001364453/VEsF/p/eyJlM3NnY21WbVkyOWtaU0I5ZlE9PSI6IjIwMTgwODE2ZW0xLWZ1bGwtdDEifQ==/
> >>>>
> >>>> Thanks for being a part of this,
> >>>>
> >>>> Elizabeth
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Elizabeth Warren is running for reelection in 2018, and we're trying to build the strongest grassroots team in history. Will you chip in for the first time and join us?
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> DONATE NOW http://my.elizabethwarren.com/page/m/2852d84c/45876992/2655705/66a5e61a/4001364453/VEsC/p/eyJlM3NnZFhKc0lIMTkiOiJldy1jb3Jwb3JhdGVyZWZvcm0iLCJlM3NnY21WbVkyOWtaU0I5ZlE9PSI6IjIwMTgwODE2ZW0xLWZ1bGwtdDEifQ==/
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> [fb] http://my.elizabethwarren.com/page/m/2852d84c/45876992/2655705/66a5e61d/4001364453/VEsD/ [tw] http://my.elizabethwarren.com/page/m/2852d84c/45876992/2655705/66a5e61c/4001364453/VEsA/ [ig] http://my.elizabethwarren.com/page/m/2852d84c/45876992/2655705/66a5e61f/4001364453/VEsB/ [yt] http://my.elizabethwarren.com/page/m/2852d84c/45876992/2655705/66a5e61e/4001364453/VEsO/
> >>>> Paid for by Elizabeth for MA
> >>>> All content © 2018 Elizabeth for MA, All Rights Reserved
> >>>> PO Box 290568, Boston, MA 02129
> >>>> This email was sent to de...@comcast.net mailto:de...@comcast.net
> >>>> We’ll miss you, but you can always unsubscribe http://my.elizabethwarren.com/page/m/2852d84c/45876992/2655705/66a5e601/4001364453/VEsP/ .
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>
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