Fwd: Join us at the Days of Action against the War Economy on May 28-29

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Dan Higgins

May 27, 2018, 10:05:37 AM5/27/18
to Lambert, Samantha, Donna Admirand, barry brodsky, Bennett, Dianne, occupy boston, Bowen, Kevin, Brian Quirk, CINDY BROWN, MELANIE BUTLER, Carney, Rich, charli...@umb.edu, Chung Nguyen, Michelle Ciccolo, Doherty, Patrick, Annette Donahue, Shawn Donahue, occupy new england, Matt Gada, megan gregory, Christine Higgins, MaryANNE Higgins, MIKE HIGGINS, Tim Higgins, occupy the hood, lb peace institute, Occupy JP, mothers for justice, Tom Kane, lamb, Christa, lo...@henrydeeks.com, massoccupy, Dan Mcandrew, hillary moll, Nicole Waybright, occupyquincy, paul....@umb.edu, jewish voice for peace, rob...@americanswhotellthetruth.org, jim rooney, Laura Rooney, Rooney, Rita, Occupy Salem, saman...@yahoogroups.com, Shauna Lee Manning, smedley...@googlegroups.com, judy smith, peace team, The House of Peace, tom.go...@umb.edu, tony.va...@umb.edu, Margie Del Tufo, Wasileski, Eric

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Massachusetts Poor People's Campaign <massac...@poorpeoplescampaign.org>
To: de...@comcast.net
Date: May 27, 2018 at 9:42 AM
Subject: Join us at the Days of Action against the War Economy on May 28-29

On Monday, 16 people were arrested with the Massachusetts Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival as we launched our national civil disobedience campaign

Action Takers on May 21 -- All Charges Dismissed!Action Takers on May 21 after all charges were dismissed at Boston Municipal Court

Hi Daniel,

This is a reminder that the Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival is getting ready for our Week 3 days of action May 28-29!

Veterans for Peace - BostonOn Monday, May 28, we'll set up a Veterans' Encampment on Boston Common, near Park Street Station. The encampment will have tents, a canopy, stage, and an information table.

Then, on Tuesday, May 29 at 2pm, we'll hold a Rally to Protest the War Economy, Militarism, and Gun Violence at the 54th Regiment Monument near the steps leading up from Boston Common to the State House, and after that, those who wish will enter the State House to present demands.

At the Encampment, we will present music, talks, and teach-ins on War Economy themes on Monday, and continue on Tuesday morning. Everyone will be invited to sign a flag, with names representing people who have died because of our war economy -- including soldiers from all countries who were lost in combat, PTSD suicides, and civilians lost to gun violence and mass shootings.

Monday's Themes:
1pm - Veterans Speak Out
2pm - Middle East - Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq
3pm - Solemn ceremony at Soldiers & Sailors monument
4pm - War at Home, Militarization of Police, Gun Violence, People's Budget
6pm - Asia, Africa, Latin America

Tuesday's Themes:
9am - Veterans and Vietnam
10am - Nuclear weapons and Korea

On Tuesday, May 29, we will rally at 2pm at the William Gould Shaw/ 54th Regiment Monument, at the steps leading up from the Common to Beacon St. and the State House.  

Masachusetts State HouseFollowing the rally, we plan to enter the State House to force a moral conversation with our elected officials about the war economy.  We will present our demands to elected officials along with an American flag inscribed with names of people who have died because of our war economy -- soldiers from all countries who were lost in combat, PTSD suicides, and civilians lost to gun violence and mass shootings.

Those who are willing to do Civil Disobedience and have attended any type of nonviolent civil disobedience training this year, or in the past, will be invited to sit-in inside the Massachusetts State House until they are arrested, or until the action is ended by the group.

For those who are not able to be arrested we invite you to act as support on Tuesday evening, perhaps into Wednesday. We need as many or more support people than those actually doing CD. Support involves taking care of belongings, providing jail support, rallying outside the statehouse, acting as marshals, handing out literature and doing all other tasks involved with the action. Anyone not wishing to be arrested will have ample time to leave the state house prior to closing.

Our Theme for week 3 (May 28-29) is the War Economy, US militarism, police militarization and gun violence.  To RSVP for just the rally on Boston Common at 2pm, RSVP here.

Monday and Tuesday’s protests will come days after President Trump cancelled peace talks with North Korea, bragging  about the United States’ “massive and powerful” nuclear capabilities; violated the Iran nuclear agreement; and opened a U.S. embassy in Jerusalem even as Israeli forces were slaughtering mostly peaceful Palestinian protesters in Gaza.  It will highlight how our government prioritizes the war economy over programs to eradicate poverty and help veterans. We will carry signs that read, “Money for Veterans, not for War,” and “Build Schools, Not Walls.”


In solidarity,

Massachusetts Coordinating Committee

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