VFP Armistice Day March for Peace

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Dan Higgins

Nov 9, 2017, 10:14:58 AM11/9/17
to Donahue, Claire, Lambert, Samantha, paul atwood, PAULA BAKER, barry brodsky, Bennett, Dianne, Bowen, Kevin, CINDY BROWN, Carney, Rich, charli...@umb.edu, Michelle Ciccolo, Doherty, Patrick, occupy new england, Matt Gada, megan gregory, Christine Higgins, JOE HIGGINS, MaryANNE Higgins, MIKE HIGGINS, Tim Higgins, occupy the hood, lb peace institute, johnson, Al, Occupy JP, mothers for justice, Tom Kane, kate....@sangercenter.org, massoccupy, Dan Mcandrew, Megan Kilar, hillary moll, Nicole Waybright, occupyquincy, paul....@umb.edu, jewish voice for peace, rob...@americanswhotellthetruth.org, jim rooney, Laura Rooney, Rooney, Rita, Occupy Salem, Shauna Lee Manning, judy smith, peace team, The House of Peace, Margie Del Tufo, Velickovic, Petar, wars, jobs, Yahoogroups

Join Us. Armistice Day Program attached

Put Your Marching Sneakers On… Armistice Day For Peace Saturday November 11-Noon

It is that time of year again. Every year for over a decade we have had our Armistice Peace March behind the “official” Veterans Day parade in Boston. We continue that tradition this year as well.
We will form up at the corner of Beacon Street and Charles at the edge of the Boston Common at noon for an approximately 1 PM step off. (Depending when the “officials” step off.) We will have flags, banners, etc. but you can bring your own posters especially this year around the war clouds forming over North Korea and Iran.
After the finish of the march at City Hall Plaza we will walk across the street to have our Armistice Day program at Sam Adams Park at Fanueil Hall from about 2 PM to 3:00 PM. This year’s MC will be our Smedley Butler Brigade-VFP coordinator Vietnam veteran Dan Luker. Along with music and poetry readings this year we are lining up speakers knowledgeable about Korea and Iran/Afghanistan.

See you all on November 11th at noon at Beacon and Charles –thanks- Ex Comm-Smedley Butler Brigade-VFP

Armistice Day Program 2017.pdf
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