Support the W. Joiner Institute standout

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Dan Higgins

Mar 26, 2018, 8:44:29 AM3/26/18
to mass peace action, Bennett, Dianne, Bowen, Kevin, Cable, Bob vfp, Tackey Chan, Cole Harrison, Doherty, Patrick, Eivers, Juston vfp, occupy new england, Homer Franck, occupy the hood, lb peace institute,, Occupy JP, mothers for justice, Kate Flaherty, John Keenan, lamb, Christa, Lee VanderLaan,, massoccupy, steve meacham, hillary moll, morris, Bob vfp, Nicole Waybright, occupyquincy,, jewish voice for peace, Rep. Bill Keating, Robert Master, jim rooney, Rothauser, David,,, peace team, The House of Peace, Wasileski, Eric

Join us and spread the word!

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Kevin Bowen
To: Mitch Manning
Cc: Paul Atwood , Dan Higgins , "" , Caleb Nelson , George Kovach , Paul Wright , PATRICK DOHERTY , "" , Barry Brodsky , R Poltorak , Jaime Rodriguez , Ron Armstead , "Ernest E Washington, Jr." , Molly Lynn Watt , hillary moll , David Hunt , Eric Wasileski , Erin H Leach-Ogden , Matthew Seto , "" , Rachel Rubin , Linda Dittmar , Robert Clawson , Shannon Kafka , Paul Shannon , Wayne Smith , Nicole Waybright , "Fjmarchant@aol. com" , Martha Collins , "Georges, Danielle" , Dorothy Nelson , Lucy Marx , Marc Levy , "" , Mark Pawlak , Chung Nguyen , Preston Hood , DOUG ANDERSON , Tom Goodkind , To Dieu Lien , Askold Melnyczuk , Bestor Cram , Lily Bowen , A dan lynn watt , "Decker, Marjorie - Rep. (HOU)" , Barbara Lewis , Deborah Kalin , "Bert Stern (E-mail)" , Charles Desmond , Pamela Annas , Peter Kiang , Robert Master , "" , Anneta Argyres , Amy Grunder , "" , ""
Date: March 23, 2018 at 10:33 AM

Hi all,

 We are still Planning to mount a visibility at the campus entrance by the Dorchester Vietnam Memorial on the morning on March 29th, Vietnam Veterans Day and perhaps the State House later to protest the Joiner cuts and the abandonment of the university’s commitment to its institutes and urban mission. We need organizers to help. I Hope folks will volunteer and help in spreading the word. Please contact myself or Mitch. We would plan to meet up at the Shaw’s parking lot on Morrissey blvd at 8 AM. 

On other fronts.

There is a meeting with Mike Rush, Chair of the Veterans Affairs Committee at 2:30 on the 27th next week.

On April 4th Tom Kane will get to speak to the Trustees for 3-4 moments at 9AM. It would be good to have a presence there too.

We’re setting meetings with Nick Collins we hope for the 4th as well.
More later

The William Joiner Institute for the Study of War and Social Consequences promotes research, curriculum development, events, and educational, cultural, and humanitarian exchanges which address the consequences of war. By serving veterans, family members of veterans, war refugees and all victims of war, we aim to create a public space where the issues of war and their human, social, political, and environmental consequences can be openly discussed, debated, and analyzed. 

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