Kestrel Educational Adventures is hiring both a salaried program instructor and per diem part time instructors, to begin in March 2024 or sooner, and run through the fall. Our instructors work together to design and implement authentic science investigations for school groups and the general public throughout Eastern Essex County. We travel to forest, wetland, and coastal sites to explore wildlife and ecosystems. Our teaching model positions our preschool through high school age learners all as scientists who ask questions, gather original data, reflect on their findings, and create original work to share with the public. Our kids make handmade biological maps, field guides, and habitat models, create websites and wildlife videos, and tell stories specific to the nature of their hometowns. Unfettered exploration, fun, and positive connection to wildlife are a part of every program. We offer school day, afterschool, and camp programs throughout the year. Pay is in the $20-$22 range for both positions, and perks include benefits for the salaried position, and for both, flexible schedules, nature connection time, chocolate availability, and a cuddly office golden retriever.