Continuous Drop off for Bus Route 714

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Meira Zimble

May 14, 2023, 6:26:28 AM5/14/23
to MBTA Developers
In Stop. times text, for MBTA bus route 714, the pick-up and drop-off type is listed as 3. 
According to MBTA GTFS documentation, this indicates continuous pickup and drop off and the passenger needs to coordinate with the driver. 
On the MBTA website, the 714 schedule does not list continuous drop-offs/pick-ups.
What is the accurate pick-up/drop-off for this route?
thank you!

Developer at MBTA

May 31, 2023, 1:45:28 PM5/31/23
to MBTA Developers
Hi Meira,

For Route 714 (and most portions of Route 716), it is the case that there are no fixed bus stops along the route, and the bus can be flagged down at any safe location along the route. As you have likely noted, we also include in our GTFS the newer continuous_pickup and continuous_drop_off fields that make this behavior less ambiguous. The MBTA website linked does not currently use these new fields to indicate the continuous nature, however the stop names indicate the stops are actually more of a "range" along a road between different cross-streets.

Hope this helps,
Developer @ MBTA
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