Incorrect track in API

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Eric Hynds

May 31, 2024, 6:43:54 AM5/31/24
to MBTA Developers
Hi - it was recently pointed out to me that Providence trains 810 and 808 depart from Providence station on track 2, but the V3 API defines `NEC-1851-03` as the stop ID for `stop_sequence: 0` on both these trains, which is track 3.

Curious if you could help sort out this discrepancy.


Jeff @ Keolis

Jun 1, 2024, 7:38:59 AM6/1/24
to MBTA Developers
Hi Eric,

Thanks for the info. Both trains 808 and 810 are scheduled per the plan to use Track 3; however, the Amtrak train dispatchers in that area have full discretion to dispatch the train on any of the tracks; given the trains will generally run up Track 2 East of Providence, they may keep 808 on Track 2 when it comes from the train yard and/or have 810 cross over after TF Green rather than after Providence if there are no operational conflicts in doing so.

Due to limitations in how we receive track updates on Amtrak territory, we would not expect to receive a real-time update for these trains until likely after the train is departing, although we are working on enhancements that would hopefully address this concern.

For now, we'll revisit this with Amtrak during our next review of the track assignment plan and, if it's agreed that the trains can be scheduled on Track 2 to match the current dispatching practice, we'll revise the base schedule — and likewise, the static GTFS — to reflect this change.

Hope this helps explain what's going on!


Jeff @ Keolis

Jun 1, 2024, 8:04:25 AM6/1/24
to MBTA Developers
I will also add that they are currently conducting trackwork on one of the interlockings (set of switches) adjacent to the Providence station, which may be forcing them to route trains to Track 2 at certain times (despite Track 3 being the scheduled/preferential track from an operational perspective).

Eric Hynds

Jun 3, 2024, 2:06:11 PM6/3/24
to MBTA Developers
That makes sense Jeff, thank you for the detailed explanation!

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