Looking For Turnstile Entry/Exit Data

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Max Mitchell

Nov 5, 2023, 10:07:25 PM11/5/23
to MBTA Developers

I'm working on a project for my degree in Computer Science, and am interested in conducting research on MBTA usage, and simulating how modifications to transit systems may impact riders. 

I want to use the turnstile entry/exit data (which I was made aware of thanks to https://mbtaviz.github.io/), but haven't been able to find a location for more recent data. Ideally, I'd like data for each station, with time-stamped entry/exit information for a time period of a year (a week would work, for my purposes, but a month or a year would be better). 

Would it be possible for me to access such data? Do I need to contact someone special for this? Any help is much appreciated.


Max Mitchell

Nov 7, 2023, 9:48:34 PM11/7/23
to MBTA Developers
Was just reading https://www.mbta.com/performance-metrics/ridership-the-t and learned about the APC data -- that would be even more valuable to my research, if accessible.

Developer at MBTA

Nov 16, 2023, 2:47:54 PM11/16/23
to MBTA Developers
Hi Max, thanks for reaching out. Sorry for the delayed response — this autumn we changed our internal process for responding to inquiries like this (including onboarding a new team member), and we're now getting up to speed.

There may be some of the data you're looking for in the MBTA Open Data Portal, but I think your best bet would be to reach out to the Office of Performance Management and Innovation (they own this data) at op...@mbta.com

For context, deve...@mbta.com reaches the T's Transit Data (aka Realtime) team. We manage the T's v3 API and GTFS data, which contains forward-looking, rider-facing schedule and operations information. For performance metrics, or anything historical really, that falls in the realm of OPMI.

I hope that's helpful! If you have more questions about this data source wayfinding, we'll do our best to help.


Max Mitchell

Nov 30, 2023, 11:55:11 AM11/30/23
to MBTA Developers

Thank you. I've reached out the Office of Performance Management and Innovation. The data on arcgis has also been helpful.


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