RV: an answer to your question

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El Miranda Llega

Mar 13, 2012, 5:50:41 AM3/13/12
to Elecciones Andaluzas 2012



De: El Miranda Llega [mailto:danie...@terra.es]
Enviado el: martes, 13 de marzo de 2012 10:50
Para: 'Riva Froymovich'
CC: Servicios Publicos Madrid
Asunto: an answer to your question


Hello Riva, I was talking with a person in Carabanchel (Madrid), and she suggest me that send to them this e-mail and they will help you


I hope it will be an answer to your  request




Hola Carabanchel, soy Daniel de Sevilla os envío este e-mail y el anterior, por ver si podéis tratar este tema en asamblea, se trata de un periodista (Riva Froymovich), que está escribiendo un libro de cómo afecta la crisis a la población más joven en el mundo, he hablado con Yolanda y me ha dicho que lo reenviase para tratar en Asamblea, (No sé a quién enviárselo y os lo envío a vosotros para que lo gestionéis)



Daniel de Sevilla


Por el Bienestar Humano y contra el capital


De: Riva Froymovich [mailto:ri...@froymovich.com]
Enviado el: martes, 13 de marzo de 2012 0:26
Para: Danie...@terra.es
Asunto: hello!


Hi Daniel,


Thanks very much for responding to me. I hope it was okay to post a message in your Google group! Someone else recommended I do this. I understand that it might be difficult to speak in English. Would you be comfortable instead answering questions in email? I could even send you a list of questions, and you can respond in Spanish and I can have someone else translate the answers for me. 


I would like to come to 18M this weekend, but I am not sure I will be able to. That is why I ask if you can give my email and my questions to some others who are between 19 and 30 years old in your group and are unemployed, and maybe they can respond to me by email. Would this be possible? And, how old are you and are you unemployed?


Many thanks! I put my questions below. 





Riva Froymovich

Economics Reporter


Dow Jones Newswires/The Wall Street Journal

+32 (0) 491 344 155




1- What is your full name? How old are you? What city do you live in?

2- Did you go to university? What did you study? When did you graduate?

3- Were you working before the crisis hit Spain? Where were you working? What were you doing for them? Did you like your work? Was this a field you wanted to work in?

4- What happened to you and your family when the crisis hit? How did things start to change for you? How did Spain and the city you live in start to change? How has the budget cuts in Spain affected or changed your life?

5- How and why did you end up losing your job? How did losing your job change your life?

6-  Have you been involved in any of the demonstrations or protests in Spain? How were you involved? Which one, where and when? What did you do? Why did you do it? How did it make you feel? Can you tell me about what it was like: what did you see? where did you march? how many people were there? what were people wearing? what did it feel like? 

7- Are you hopeful for your future in Spain or do you remain very worried?

8- Are most people in your family out of work too? 

9- Have your received any salary since you lost your job, like from some sort of short-term or temporary work?  Do you ever do unpaid work or internships?

10- How do you get by financially? Where do you live--with your parents, or other family, or friends, or still independently? 

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