Re: MaruOS DEX on Samsung Galaxy s10e Exynos

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Aug 26, 2022, 7:48:55 AM8/26/22
to Maru OS dev

MaruOS is open source and so you can try to compile it for your phone.
Did you already build an android rom? do you have experience in doing so ?

Regards, Loïc

Le dimanche 21 août 2022 à 18:47:15 UTC+2, TheRedFox112410 a écrit :
I now come to you because after installing LineageOS on my Samsung Galaxy S10e Exynos, so I would like to know how to install MaruOS either by replacing LineageOS or install it on top of LineageOS.

My goal would be to be able to use it in my daily life from my docking station or a simple Type-C cable to HDMI.

I am willing to take the risks and thus the wrong optimizations.

I would also like to know if MaruOS is open-source so that I can try to adapt it to me and if I manage to make my project open-source and therefore, to make it public for the S10e Exynos and if the compatibility is the same, for the range of the S10/S10+/S10e

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