The Linux on MaruOS is the ARM/ARM64 variant. It can run basic softwares, such as browser, email client, vscode, etc.
But it doesn't have enough build toolchain for complicated build work, I think.
It supports apt to update the system, and it can work correctly many times. But we have found the new version of systemd
cause the break of sudo permission for old devices, such as pixel/pixel XL, with old kernels that don't support the new kernel
feature used by the new systemd.
It doesn't support audio correctly, so if you have a large demand for audio, maybe it is not suitable for you.
For developers, they can use it to do simple development work, such as web development. For a normal user, he/he can
use it to do normal work, such as writing/reading documents, viewing and responding emails.
It's enough for me to use it as a normal Linux desktop, and hope it can work for you.