Numbers without heading or trailing zeros, maximum length, not before assertion

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Feb 17, 2019, 3:57:46 PM2/17/19
to marpa parser

I want to parse numbers such that:

-- zero is  0.0
-- numbers not equal zero are always signed with + or -
-- both parts before and after dot are obligatory
-- trailing or heading zeros are not allowed 

Valid numbers:    0.0        +2.0    -0.2    +201.0  -0.0004   -1.05   +22.10001

Invalid numbers:      +0.0  (signed zero, should be 0.0)     +02.0   (heading zero, should be +2.0)       -2.00100  (trailing zeros, should be -2.001)

My grammar is:

Numb ~ '0.0' | Numb_Signed
Numb_Signed ~ Numb_Sign Numb_Rest
Numb_Sign ~ '-' | '+'
Numb_Rest ~ Numb_Rest_Both | Numb_Rest_Left | Numb_Rest_Right
Numb_Rest_Both ~ Nonzero Digits_Or_Nothing '.' Digits_Or_Nothing Nonzero
Numb_Rest_Left ~ Nonzero Digits_Or_Nothing '.0'
Numb_Rest_Right ~ '0.' Digits_Or_Nothing Nonzero

Digits ~ Digit+
Digits_Or_Nothing ~ Digit*

Digit ~ [0-9]
Nonzero ~ [1-9]

Is there a more simple solution? Or this is optimal?

More questions:

(1) is there a possibility to restrict numbers to be maximu 15 characters long?

(2) is it possible to read all digits after dot, because  when it parses string "+1.000" it prints that it stopped parsing before "00", and for users it would be better to show that whole number failed, that is "+1.000"; so is there something like in perl6 grammars "not before":

Numb_Signed ~ Numb_Sign Numb_Rest  <HERE NOT BEFORE ANY DIGIT>


Error in SLIF parse: No lexeme found at line 1, column 9
* String before error:     +1.0
* The error was at line 1, column 9, and at character 0x0030 '0', ...
* here: 00
Marpa::R2 exception at ./ line 68.

Ron Savage

Feb 17, 2019, 5:12:38 PM2/17/19
to marpa parser
The grammar in MarpaX::Languages::SVG::Parser should give you some ideas. The link jump to line 721 in the source.

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