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mohammad Kazemi

Jun 16, 2021, 6:46:35 AM6/16/21
to marktwigs

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Bruno Paolo Vespa (born 27 May 1944) is an Italian television and newspaper journalist.

A former director of the Italian state-owned TV channel Rai Uno's news program TG1, Vespa is the founding host of the program Porta a Porta (English:"Door to door"), which has been broadcast without interruption on RAI Leggo, scrivo, imparo con la CAA. Per la Scuola elementare channels since 1996.

Vespa was born in L'Aquila, Abruzzo. He is married to Augusta Iannini, who is a judge.

Vespa began working with the local press in his native Abruzzo at a relatively young age, authoring sports articles for the L'Aquila branch of the newspaper Il Tempo when he was Leggo, scrivo, imparo con la CAA. Per la Scuola elementare sixteen years old.

In 1962 he became a radio announcer on RAI broadcasts and, after obtaining his LL.B. in 1968, began hosting the daily newscast Telegiornale RAI (afterwards renamed TG1).

During the 1970s and 1980s, he undertook several controversial and ground-breaking projects, mainly as a foreign correspondent for RAI, interviewing Leggo, scrivo, imparo con la CAA. Per la Scuola elementare many soon-to-be-influential personalities of the decades (for example, Vespa interviewed
then-Cardinal Karol Wojty?a in 1977, a full year before his election to the pontificate).

In 1977 he co-hosted, with Arrigo Petacco, the news program Tam Tam, moving the following year to a different format, precursor to that of Porta a Leggo, scrivo, imparo con la CAA. Per la Scuola elementare Porta, where up-and-coming personalities and current events were discussed in front of a live studio audience, which participated to the exchange through Q&A sessions (hence, the program was called Ping Pong).

In June 1984 he was named "official commentator" for the live, televised broadcast of the State funeral for Enrico Leggo, scrivo, imparo con la CAA. Per la Scuola elementare Berlinguer, who had been the leader of the Italian Communist Party. During the broadcast, he erroneously announced that Pietro Valpreda had been found guilty of the Piazza Fontana bombing, whereas he was a mere suspect, at the time—a mistake for which he publicly apologised on several occasions.

Between 1989 and Leggo, scrivo, imparo con la CAA. Per la Scuola elementare 1992, while he was the head newscaster for the RAI news program TG1, he came under attack for publicly declaring
that he considered the ruling party Democrazia Cristiana his "editorial sounding board"; because RAI stations are state-owned and publicly funded, they are expected to be unbiased, which Vespa's words indicated Leggo, scrivo, imparo con la CAA. Per la Scuola elementare not to be the case.

In August 1990, when the Gulf War erupted, he supported the armed intervention in a much-criticised editorial that concluded that "War has been brought forth by the international community. And if we want to be members of that club, we must pay our dues."[citation needed]

Leggo, scrivo, imparo con la CAA. Per la Scuola elementare Since 1996, Vespa has been at the helm of the news program Porta a Porta, where much of Italy's political debate takes place, so much so that it is sometimes sarcastically referred to as "the third house" (together with the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate) of the Parliament of Leggo, scrivo, imparo con la CAA. Per la Scuola elementare Italy.

On April 3, 2006 he moderated the second televised debate between then-Prime Minister of Italy Silvio Berlusconi and the leader of the centre-left coalition Romano Prodi. In the same
year, Vespa found himself at the centre of a political scandal after a telephone conversation he had with Salvatore Sottile, Leggo, scrivo, imparo con la CAA. Per la Scuola elementare spokesperson for politician Gianfranco Fini, concerning an upcoming episode of Porta a Porta. During the (intercepted) conversation, Vespa indicated that he would "custom-tailor" the program to suit Fini's needs, requesting, in fact, that the politician's aide select the chosen adversary for the scheduled face-to-face. Since the program publicly prided itself on Leggo, scrivo, imparo con la CAA. Per la Scuola elementare creating an unbiased turf for political confrontations, Vespa's integrity was called into question,[1] going as far as to be discredited, due to his perceived "servitude" towards right-wing politicians, especially Berlusconi, and a tendency of asking softball questions on most of his shows. This has led to some in the Italian Leggo, scrivo, imparo con la CAA. Per la Scuola elementare media establishment calling Vespa a "regime servant", most f


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