I imagine that most people here are familiar with Lanza's Coke recording of "Love Is the Sweetest Thing," as heard on the old
Touch of Your Hand LP and on various CDs (
The Mario Lanza Collection,
Original Album Classics, etc). What's interesting, though, is that this recording was never broadcast on Mario's radio show.
Another version was---and yet that (relatively obscure) version has never been released on LP or CD. (It's the same case with "The Hills of Home.")
About six years ago on this forum, the unreleased broadcast version was mentioned in passing, and then briefly compared with the released LP/CD version by a few members. Since the links provided at that time to these two recordings have long since been broken, I thought I'd revive the topic on its own thread---and also create a page on our main site where both versions could be compared:
So which version do you like best---and why? For me, there's no contest, but I know that at least one stalwart of this forum will disagree with me :)