embedding map with ship

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Luke Frazer

Jul 26, 2013, 7:06:22 AM7/26/13
to marine-...@googlegroups.com
I tried to add the embed map with the   MMSI number and it does not find it or work on any that  I  Have tried the code I put in is followed.

<script type="text/javascript">
        width='80%';          //the width of the embedded map in pixels or percentage
        height=400;         //the height of the embedded map in pixels or percentage
        border=1;           //the width of border around the map. Zero means no border
        notation=false;     //true or false to display or not the vessel icons and options at the left
        shownames=false;    //true or false to dispaly ship names on the map
        latitude=;   //the latitude of the center of the map in decimal degrees
        longitude=;  //the longitude of the center of the map in decimal degrees
        zoom=4;             //the zoom level of the map. Use values between 2 and 17
        maptype=3;          //use 0 for Normal map, 1 for Satellite, 2 for Hybrid, 3 for Terrai
        trackvessel=229136000;      //the MMSI of the vessel to track, if within the range of the system
        fleet='';           //the registered email address of a user-defined fleet to display
        remember=false;     //true or false to remember or not the last position of the map
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.marinetraffic.com/ais/embed.js"></script>
<!-- --><script type="text/javascript" src="http://static.websimages.com/static/global/js/webs/usersites/escort.js"></script><script type="text/javascript">if(typeof(urchinTracker)=='function'){_uacct="UA-230305-2";_udn="none";_uff=false;urchinTracker();}</script>
<!-- --><script type="text/javascript" src="http://static.websimages.com/static/global/js/webs/usersites/escort.js"></script><script type="text/javascript">if(typeof(urchinTracker)=='function'){_uacct="UA-230305-2";_udn="none";_uff=false;urchinTracker();}</script>

Is there something I am doing wrong.
I can link you to a website of how it comes up if I am aloud.


Aug 8, 2013, 7:46:10 AM8/8/13
to marine-...@googlegroups.com
Don't you need a Lat and Lon?  Just a guess.

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Time flies as you get older but you're still the pilot!!


Vitali Kukyan

Oct 15, 2013, 12:08:59 PM10/15/13
to marine-...@googlegroups.com
yes the lat and long should be set = 0
<script type="text/javascript">
        width='80%';          //the width of the embedded map in pixels or percentage
        height=400;         //the height of the embedded map in pixels or percentage
        border=1;           //the width of border around the map. Zero means no border
        notation=false;     //true or false to display or not the vessel icons and options at the left
        shownames=false;    //true or false to dispaly ship names on the map
        latitude=0;   //the latitude of the center of the map in decimal degrees
        longitude=0;  //the longitude of the center of the map in decimal degrees
        zoom=4;             //the zoom level of the map. Use values between 2 and 17
        maptype=3;          //use 0 for Normal map, 1 for Satellite, 2 for Hybrid, 3 for Terrai
        trackvessel=229136000;      //the MMSI of the vessel to track, if within the range of the system
        fleet='';           //the registered email address of a user-defined fleet to display
        remember=false;     //true or false to remember or not the last position of the map
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