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Eligio Cordobés Padilla

Dec 1, 2022, 5:18:44 AM12/1/22
to MarbleTech Virtual Challenge Comunity
Welcome to the Erasmus+ MarbleTech Virtual Challenge Community!

From MarbleTech partners we aim to create a community made of relevant stakeholders active in the marble sector. The community will facilitate the effective involvement of relevant target groups and stakeholders.

This VCC Google Group is open to every relevant stakeholder in the Marble sector: training and research centers active in the marble sector, universities offering courses in the field, marble managers and potential ones, and students getting prepared for this profession. So please don’t hesitate to invite your contacts!

Contacts will be recipients of the newsletters and will be informed of project progress. Moreover, they will be invited in the validation of other results and will be involved in the “Innovative Marble Business Idea Competition”

More news will be posted soon in this group.


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