Maqetta means mockup, Part 3: Deploy your Maqetta UI prototype with PhoneGap

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Tony Erwin

Jun 6, 2013, 10:24:30 AM6/6/13
Hello, All,

The "Maqetta means mockup" series on developerWork is now complete with the publication of:
  • Maqetta means mockup, Part 3: Deploy your Maqetta UI prototype with PhoneGap
    • Abstract: So far in this series introducing Maqetta, you've learned how to create and enrich an interactive mobile UI prototype using features from the Dojo and Dojo Mobile toolkits. Working in your browser with Maqetta, you were able to build a believable prototype without writing any code, then augment its features and flow with custom JavaScript. Now it's time to combine Maqetta with PhoneGap in order to create and deploy a new mobile UI prototype onto actual devices.
Also, in case you missed them, be sure to check out the first two articles in the series:
- Maqetta Team

Liza Jenifer

Aug 9, 2014, 1:28:40 PM8/9/14
you could manufacture a conceivable model without composing any code, then enlarge its peculiarities and stream with custom Javascript. Presently now is the ideal time to join Maqetta with Phonegap keeping in mind the end goal to make and send another portable UI model onto genuine gadgets.
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