In case it will be helpful... this is the batch script I've made to
run on windows enviroment
title Ottimizza immagini
@echo off
REM ******************************************
REM Batch to process an image tile with pngnq.exe (the exe file anthe
batch file must be on the same directory, the root of the pyramid)
REM ottimizza le immagini png con trasparenza - Amedeo Fadini
Kibernetes srl
REM maggio 2009
REM *******************************************
echo change extension to .pn
REM this line rename images png to pn
for /r %%i in (*.png) do rename "%%i" *.pn
REM this line select files *.pn optimize, and save with other name
REM the suffix is only "g" (to make correct extension)
echooptimizing images .pn and saving as png
for /r %%p in (*.pn) do pngnq.exe -f -e g "%%p"
REM qui chiedo se cancellare i file originali (sarebbe meglio
controllare se son venuti bene prima)
set /p canc=do you want to delete .pn files (y/n)?
if %canc% ==y (goto :delete) else (echo you chose to don't delete *.pn
files & goto :fine)
for /r %%d in (*.pn) do del "%%d"
echo ***********************
echo end